What can I say? Its Super Mario Bros 3

Was a bit of fun for a while, killing everything in sight is always a fun time. I enjoyed the grind getting the larger sharks, but once you actually get the larger sharks there is less danger so the game gets less fun

It's definitely a game that used to exist. I don't really know what to say about this game other than that I didn't like it too much.

It's just Angry Birds with a Star Wars twist. It's alright

It gets boring pretty fast, I stopped playing after about an hour.

Game has not aged well. The world is hard to navigate since everything looks the same and not having a map does not help either. Later entries have majorly improved upon the foundation this game set.

Peak arcade game. I adore this game. The risk and reward system of doubling up your ship is a super fun mechanic and the game is just a blast to pplay, even today. Easily my favorite arcade game.

I think this is a solid arcade title that is pretty fun to play, although it's biggest flaw is easily the controls. This game is slippery af, and it will cause you to die at some point. The controls greatly hinder the enjoyment of the game, but overall I would say it's pretty good, I like playing it every now and then.

This was my first Monster Hunter game. It was a massive learning curve and I basically had to play with a wiki open, but I enjoyed every second of it. This is a very grindy game but it is definitely worth playing.

An absolute classic. I love to turn on this game and play it for a little bit occasionally. One of my favorite games on the NES.

One of my favorite puzzle games. This is a fun game to just play for a few minutes at a time whenever I am bored.

Easily my favorite game on the SNES. This game is a masterpiece and still looks good to this day. This game was the first Metroid I ever finished and I loved my entire playthrough. If you have never played the game, then do yourself a favor and play it, and if you do play it, save the animals.

Pac-Man is a very fun game. It's very simple but it works.