One of the best VR titles you can own. Aside from a few annoying puzzles, this game is an absolute blast.

Absolutely phenomenal storytelling. Gameplay was good although it can be a bit boring at times, especially during the beginning. Still absolutely worth a try. I've yet to 100% it but the game certainly incentivizes you to keep going after your done with the main story. Which is super cool, not a lotta games I've played do that.

The most terrifying game I've ever played, but also one of the most interesting and fun. A little grindy though.

Great back in the day, now ruined by people who can't play anything else and sit inside air vehicles the whole match being next to unkillable.

One of the most disappointing launches I've seen in a long time. Hopefully it gets better but from what I can tell, that won't be happening.

I really really want to love this game, but the controls are just goddamned terrible. Having to deathgrip melee weapons makes them basically pointless as my little gamer fingers don't like cramping up 15 minutes into playing.

Excellent game. Not sure why I didn't enjoy it as the other two, but its still a very good game.

Absolutely incredible experience. Give it a shot if you have the opportunity.

A good sequel to JPOG, but lacking in a lot of areas

Initially, when I first picked up this game, I didn't know anything about it and stopped playing after doing 4 or so raids.
Then, for reasons I can't remember, I started to play it again with friends and couldn't stop for months. For the next two years I played the hell outta this game.
Now, I've grown tired of it. Constantly having to restart from scratch after a couple months to half a year has grown old. Doing the same exact "tasks" over and over has lost its charm. As has dealing with the updates that make the game more difficult and more tedious because the hardcore fanbase keeps leveling up too fast after each wipe. The people that live and breath this game defend it with their lives and say anything that makes it slightly easier is for pansies. The gatekeeping in this community is unreal. They claim to be welcoming but that's only if you have nothing negative to say.

The level of detail in this game is astonishing however. Customizing firearms is super fun and intricate. Very few games come close in terms of modularity with their weapons. Everything looks and feels authentic.

Just don't expect to have cool firefights that last a long time like the live action series.

I absolutely love this game. My only gripe is how short it is and that there's been no sequel.

My absolute favorite horror property ever. Cannot wait for the remake.

Incredible sandbox for all things firearms. Nothing even comes close to how good it feels to use guns in this.

The campaign was really good. The multiplayer is good but the lack of coop, forge and pve content is really unfortunate

The best Star Wars strategy game out there (not that there's a lot of competition. pls disney).