One of the best fighting games i have played in a long time, finally made me buy a fightstick.

Having loved Persona 3 and Persona 4, when i completed Persona 5 i thought it to be the weakest of the new persona games. Combat is stylish, but the series needs a better rush/turbo mode akin to the Trails series. In Persona 5 I found the overall story and characters to be uneven in quality. I forced myself to slog through the opening and get to the new content in Royal and once i reached halfway through it was worth it. The two new characters are among the best in the series and the last palace brings the original theme of the game to a more satisfying conclusion. While Royal didnt overtake 3 or 4 as my favorite it is alot more competitive.

Dishonored is one of my favorite games, and at first Deathloop disappointed. I wanted a Hitman and Dishonored amalgamation but instead Arkane delivered a more linear experience and in the end I really enjoyed my time with the game. Gunplay and powers were fin but being able to experiment without worry because you can always just loop again really made this game sort of relaxing. Its an interesting world with some inventive kills, I only wish they had multiple paths in order to end the loop instead of just the 1.

Combat is amazing i just wish they went another direction instead of the red string motion comic motif for most of the story.


It was in my wishlist for far too long, this game consumed my being. The wandcrafting and secrets contained in this game are wonderous, really has been a long time since I had nightly dreams of a game.

I liked the characters and setting more than Man of Medan but the ending makes it fall quite short of the Quarry or Until Dawn

Very much enjoyed the story even if it was at cohesive an experience as 2018. Wonderful locations to explore and entertaining characters that make me feel emotions.

At times I like the 5v5 vs 6v6 but then it's all dependant on the tank doing both old tank roles, helping your backline or diving in. I like the new heroes but I fear for the movement ability creep, oldchamps like zen get trounced especially with no movement and an extra tank to support the back line. I really wish that support got increased cc abilities instead of most being taken away except on tanks. Still fun though.

Gameplay is mostly fantastic, slicing and dicing is great but some of the time the wall running just feels broken (especially fuck that last level because of it). Story feels like a b movie but the visuals and sounds are pretty amazing at times. Would have rated more if the last level wasn't as bad as it was.

Final Fantasy X might be one of the most linear FF games but it makes up for it with a story that has stood the test of time to be the best. Most of the characters are fleshed out incredibly well and its the game in the series to sell the romance. The great soundtrack is one of Uematsu's best, really punctuates the great story moments, To Zanarkand being one of the most meloncholic yet unforgettable songs. Combat is great, having a order timeline and the ability to swap party members mid battle introduces a ton of flexibility. Blitzball is alright, not as good as previous card games but it fits into the world so well. The only thing i dislike is the sphere grid, normally its a fine way to "level up" stats but going for the plat it becomes a real chore to fill it out completely. Otherwise the games still a Masterpiece.

At times FF12 has aged beautifully, but other times the License Board system makes the game feel old. I love the gambit system, it almost makes the insane grind bearable if you're going for 100% completion....but the game still broke with the amount of needless traveling and hunts and random spawns for important magic and abelites.