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This was a very fun and engaging game with an interesting story and a final 10 minutes and a choice that was absolutely invigorating. I had a lot of fun with this and finished it in one stream.

I was addicted to Kingdom of Loathing for years so I knew when I saw this I would want to play it. Streaming it was a good idea because I read everything out loud and since the game is like 95% text it made a lot of the jokes come out and it worked really well in that way. Because it is so text heavy you really have to be willing to get into the text heavy dialogue to enjoy it and that's a big ask.

I enjoy playing this with friends, I doubt I'd ever play it with randoms.

I wasn't prepared for how much I would enjoy this game. The first time playing this game was a very fun experience, I liked trying to figure people out, I enjoyed being totally fooled by some of the deaths and I ended up beating it in about 10 hours.

What I didn't expect was how much I would enjoy watching others play this. This is one of my most watched games on twitch because unfortunately it's not a game you can replay so the next best thing is watching others figure it out for the first time. Watching it being solved nearly 10-15 times by other people I've found so many more clues than I even thought existed. There is so much packed into this game that I simply missed the first time around.

I hope someday there will be another game like this because I need more of it in my life.