Almost gave up after a few minutes because of the dated controls and punishing save system, and used a guide like any sane person would. But sticking with it was a really rewarding experience. A great time capsule to see what games were like about 40 years ago. Imo, it's an absolute masterpiece from Kojima. Yeah there's a lot of backtracking and annoying things but thematically it makes sense considering the plot twist. A lot of people skip this and Metal Gear 2 but if your introduction to this franchise was through MGSV (like me), these two games should not be avoided.

Getting Phil Collins to voice himself and dedicating several missions to him where the payoff is a live performance of In the Air Tonight has to be one of the coolest things Rockstar Games have done.

Gameplay loop gets a bit boring pretty quickly which is a shame because the graphics and fighting mechanics are so well done.

One of the most surreal experiences in video games. Couldn't stop thinking about the entire game for a really long time.

Probably one of the best games of the PS3 era.

One of the best story-driven games I've played. Really good game design from Naughty Dog to make a linear game feel so immersive and alive. The actors too did a great job at making the characters feel real. Every aspect of this game was well produced to create a really engaging gaming experience. I was hooked from start to finish and finished the story within just two days.

The first time I was genuinely disappointed by what the latest FIFA offered. Compared to the fast paced, arcady gameplay of the previous instalment, this one was really slow and boring.

Really fun open world and gameplay mechanics but unfortunately a really buggy/glitchy game. The story of the game wasn't anything special either to keep me engaged so I gave up on this game after a few weeks.

One of the best games of all time. Got the platinum trophy in 2021 and I'm still playing online to this day. One of the most fun videogame experiences I've had in the online mode. I love the chaos in freemode, deathmatches, last team standings like Rockets vs Insurgents and online races. Nowadays the Rockets vs Insurgents matches are basically dead but the online races are still very popular and fun.

I loved this FIFA. Fast paced and arcady football.

The first game I played on PS4 as my console came with a free code for this back in 2015. Solid game.

The best racing game of all time.