Solid entry at launch. Wide range of cars and tracks and the best physics in the series yet. The campaign is a little disappointing but this has the potential to evolve as a live service with added events, which are frequently being added.

Also the soundtrack is superb as with every GT game

Can't complain about anything in this game. Gameplay is kinetic and the pacing is awesome. My favourite PS5 exclusive as of May 2022

Solid game for what it is. It's fun and doesn't overstay its welcome, with very satisfying collectibles.

The open world was fun but the levels feel a little short. I appreciate the new direction but would have preferred the levels to be the main focus rather than free-roam collectibles.

Enjoyable 7.5/10, though I don't know if it deserves the overwhelming praise it's received.

I have a complicated relationship with the Horizon series; I Feel like I am mostly worn out on the Ubisoft-esque open world experience at this point and this does little to change that formula. Running around between points of interest that pepper the map and ultimately amount to either a machine site or a settlement/obstacle/base feels like a chore and undermines any sense of meaningful exploration. The visual design of the map is phenomenal, but after 60 hours I don't feel like it'll stick with me as I spent most of my time running between different icons on the minimap.

Aside from this, the story is pretty great. It has the opposite problem to most western RPGs like Skyrim or The Witcher 3 where their side quests are the main attraction. This game has pretty lacklustre sidequests but a pretty engaging main plot.

It's pretty much more of the same if you've played the first one, and if you enjoyed that you will probably see this in the same way.

Most underrated game of all time

Better than Ghost of Tsushima, you get to ride down a mountain in a hat and fish for sushi