I see why people thought Doom was back because this game is super good and makes me feel like the bad-ass I could never be in real life... but compared to Doom Slayer's life, I think I'll keep it that way

I'm now at the hospital getting my arm replaced with a huge grapple hook because this game inspired me... too bad I don't get a cool neo-noir story included with it. Go play this game and please do it as blindly as possible

Although I feel like the overhype kinda got me, I thoroughly enjoyed this quite complex metroidvania that feels like it expands more and more as you play it. Pretty cool and very impressive to be made by one person alone

A Zelda-esque game where you play in a world where vegetables care about taxes and real estate.... even in the gardens, you can't escape the IRS. The pacing never drags, the humor is on point, and the puzzles are good while not making you feel stupid. Cute, short, hilarious, and uh... yeah, it was nice :)

A bullet-hell where you play as magical girls fighting magical monsters?? Yeah, this game can be challenging, but in a fun way where every boss makes you think of how their mechanics work and figure out different ways to tackle them. Very much enjoyed my time and I'm glad it's getting more attention due to "Rabbit and Steel"

A quick narrative game that tells an interesting and thought-provoking story about identity. It's neat, free, and it won't take you long, like an hour and 30 minutes top, so give it a go if you're curious

A surreal, reflective, and wonderful experience that dives deep into the wonders of dreams. I feel like this game does everything a sequel should do, as it expands more on both gameplay and narrative themes than the first one did. Anodyne 1 walked so Anodyne 2 could win the marathon and boy, did I have a blast!

A puzzle game where you play as the most annoying goose in the town. It's simple but charming and sometimes, that's just good enough... I mean, HONK!

The move-set is great, the humor is good, and the music caught me off guard in a good way. Man, I just wish this game was longer because I feel there's a lot of potential that wasn't fully realized but, for what we have, this was a lot of fun.

What a fever dream of a game. It's as if Zelda and Yume Nikki had a baby, except that baby suddenly started speaking about philosophy to you. It can be a bit too surreal and outlandish sometimes for me, especially near the end, but I enjoyed my time with this unsettling and equally intriguing game.

Finally came around to finishing this game from my childhood and this game was a fun challenge. I prefer this one over the 3DS version, but I understand not everyone is into motion controls. Definitely a great game to return (ha, get it) to the DK Country series.

I was scared that the overflowing amount of praise this game gets wouldn't hold up to my expectations and while the game didn't change my life or anything like that, this is still a really good game for anyone curious. And trust me, you'll need that curiosity.

While this game doesn't scream "I'M AN AMAZING GAME PLEASE PLAY ME RIGHT NOW" for me, it does sit down with me, hand me a nice cup of hot cocoa, and calmly says "Let me tell you a personal story of mine" and I didn't have any regrets

A cutesy, fun, and endearing game that has more than what meets the eye. Sure, the gameplay is simple but the story is surprisingly mature, and honestly, if it wasn't for the adorable look, this game could be straight-up horrific. Something short and nice and fun for the whole family! Don't forget to eat some Bugsnax! :D

This is going to get me killed but out of all the FromSoftware games I've played, this one is probably my favorite one. Even though this is my first Armored Core, I loved how challenging yet fun the combat was and the fact you can change your build to about anything and find a way to beat anything with a clear strategy was very nice. It's not on "souls" levels of hard, but I'm not complaining about that one bit. Definitely recommend it for those looking for some killer mech fighting.