short and sweet puzzler where you move three lil dudes around to step on buttons and such, doesn't do anything special but was fun the couple hours it lasted

finally a modern puzzle platformer that's a whimsical adventure!......? oh is this an obvious allegory for WW2 yes it is nevermind

pretty good tho

that was a umm.. a game that I played! a pretty grim dark comedy from the perspective of a very young girl who has no idea what's really going on, a pretty linear adventure type game where you make choices along the way and the game says they matter but I'm not sure most of them actually do (beyond achievements I guess?), they're just ways of seeing different jokes

pretty good all things considered, but so strangely childish in presentation despite the dark humor that I dunno if I could recommend it, but I guess it didn't bother me so what do I care what other people would think!

I understand why it's one of the least popular asscreeds


didn't realize going on its just like a... tech demo for movement for the full game lol

movement is fun but I kinda don't wanna buy the full game cause I guess it has actual combat and not really feeling like I want that kinda thing right now

really cool system where you get to build your own spells from a set of traits kinda like a visual programming language, the only thing that holds the game back from being great is just that... it's kinda basic outside of that... understandably so, but still

one of them xbla classics that apparently holds up pretty well, fun combat and platforming only really hindered by mediocre story and ... subpar voice acting

another puzzle platformer, another sad story

I swear to god these people

at least this one is well written and feels like a genuine person going through genuine shit so I guess I can't really hold it against em this time

anyway gameplay is great

how to make a game feel like a metroidvania without actually having any of the defining characteristics of a metroidvania

a masterclass in platformer puzzle level design that provides a single giant completely interconnected world filled with a wide variety of puzzles that all stem from a small, unchanging set of mechanics

shame this dev doesn't exist anymore ):

this game does not hold up wowzers

thoroughly average puzzle platformer tbh

kinda at a loss as to why people back then loved it so much, except a guess that maybe they were hurting for good games, but I don't think that's the case, there's always good puzzle platformers

some beautiful art here I said goddamn

puzzles extremely satisfying but sometimes also I'm pretty dumb so I definitely got stuck plenty of times

1: a decent enough nostalgia bomb; 2 and especially 3: added way too much mini game shit that just sucked

verrrrrry much targeted at kids in ways weird gamer bros will claim Nintendo games are "kiddy" but this actually is, there's nothing there for people like me except the fact that I played it as a kid and happened to have it in my library

kinda like trying to watch the original TMNT cartoon these days, it's just bad

extremely faithful remakes tho, definitely a case of "they remade it like you remember it" unless you were the type super obsessed to replay it every year like I've seen some people talk about it lol

a really fun idea that boils down to kind of a fun game... too easy for bad luck to just fuck you into losing a run

if it weren't so short I would rate it way lower tbh

another click em up with abstract weird shit going on, puzzles by and large not too hard but LONG and annoying to solve cause you have to constantly check the key in your inventory and they can be pretty complicated so I ended up just taking photos with my phone to deal with it instead