Wonderful game with wonderful aeshtetics

This is one of the games that brought me to the realisation that i prefer Linear games. The opening was so amazingly immersive despite being supernatural and it was really mindblowing, then later it all became too overwhelming for me that i dropped it. Ca 2020

Really enjoyed this the first time i played it in 2019, but everytime ive tried to replay it ive encountered so many bugs and crashes and the awful cinematography in the cutscenes also distracted me

i liked this alot i played in 2020, my favorite part was the music and the atmosphere it created, it also makes me think i am or was autsitic as i really struggled with reading their faces

i have never actually finished any version of half life 1

storymode is aight, online is fun with friends, great memories from playing with them 2019-2021 or so, But the gta online missions are the worst pieces of game design ever put to this earth, they are so ridicilously bad oh mah gawd

enjoyed this alot until the final mission where the essential npc in a helicopter crashed into a building breaking the game, i also just used 1 save slot so i couldnt undo it