This was pretty good. Definitely the best out of the three original Final Fantasy games. It has a simple, but still pretty sweet story. Combat and job systems are great, and it's nowhere near as grindy as FF2. Random encounter rate is lower too, which is definitely nice. The world is way more fun compared to 1 and 2 as well, and you get a wonderful sense of adventure. Some things are still repetitive, but I would recommend it for sure.

Wonderfully unique, dark, one hell of a psychological tale. Intense combat at times, fun puzzles and a truly special story makes Hellblade a game people should at least try once.

RoboCop: Rogue City is a pretty fun game for what it is. Although simple, combat can be fun as hell, and you feel like an absolute tank as RoboCop. Combat gets repetitive at times though, and I wish there were more enemy types, but it's still fun. Game also looks very good, despite being a AA game, and the story and NPCs are pretty charming. Definitely worth picking up on a sale.

Very good game. Audio and visuals are phenomenal, and the soundtrack is incredible. It's worth playing for those reasons alone. Sound design when moving around, climbing and walking over different surfaces sounds amazing and so crisp. Just a very good-sounding game overall. The soundtrack constantly hits with upbeat tunes, but also darker tracks in areas that need it. The gameplay is fun, but it can get a bit repetitive in the combat. I do, however, love the traversal around levels where you have to climb, use a hookshot-like tool and so on, plus fun puzzles here and there. Makes it a bit more to do than the average RPG.

The story is simple but in a good way. Think Paper Mario 64 and other RPGs like that. It's sweet and heartwarming, but it doesn't go crazy with details that you need to remember. Gets darker later in the game as well. It's nice with a chill RPG like that every once in a while. I can definitely recommend it, even at full price.

Smushi is an extremely nice and cozy game. Just pure chill fun. Lovely artstyle and great music as well.


Nice little game. I loved the artstyle and music, but I wish there was a bit more to the gameplay. The story was sweet too, so I enjoyed it overall.


DUSK kicks ass. The horror aesthetic is awesome and the gameplay is a blast. Sometimes it can be annoying to find your way around certain levels, but I still recommend it strongly if you like old school-like FPS games.

Decent game, but it's definitely the worst I've played out of the first four Yakuza games. Some of the boss battles are pure garbage. The story is still good though and it's worth experiencing for that. Some fun substories here and there too, plus the kids at the orphanage are very charming. Get it during a sale.

Quantum Break is a decent game, but it has some major issues. First of all, the story isn't the best, and you have to literally watch a show within the game. I'm talking 20-25 minute episodes. The story does get interesting at times, but also boring and cliché at other times. The game looks very good though. That's definitely a positive, but it runs terribly. I have a high end card from 2023, but the game keeps stuttering like crazy, even though it originally ran on a 900p/30fps Xbox One console. It makes no sense why the game runs this bad on PC. For the stuttering alone, I have to give it a negative review. Might be worth it on a deep sale, however.

Yakuza 0 is one of the most hilarious games of all time, but also has an incredibly moving story. The combat is a blast and many of the side activities are fun as hell too. With great voice acting as well, sweet music and a top notch story; don't miss out on this one.

Turbo Overkill has become one of my favourite FPS games. It's a blast from start to finish, full of incredible music, epic setpieces, great levels and a ton of fun weapons. I had so much fun, and in the end, that's what gaming is all about. The only reason why it isn't 5 stars is because some of the weapons didn't really get used much, but other than that, very fun.

Pretty fun game. The combat is a blast, the music is pretty good and the visuals are amazing for a small game like this. Would highly recommend, especially if it's on sale.

I finally got around to playing Final Fantasy II, but I didn't like it that much. The story has more to it than the first game, but it's still pretty simple and forgettable. That isn't even a problem though. The problem is the extremely grindy gameplay, and enemies that spawn way too often. It becomes a chore just to play through this game after a while. It was pretty fun at the start: magic and weapons level up as you use them, but in the later stages of the game, it takes forever for magic to level up. Also, you do a lot of the same stuff over and over again. Talk to the princess, walk to objective while fighting a bunch of enemies, navigate overly long and samey dungeons with way too many encounters, then return to the princess. It gets very repetitive. Still, the music and atmosphere are pretty good, but I would say this is probably my least favourite Final Fantasy out of those I've finished. I will give it a positive review though, because the Pixel Remaster makes it a lot better. You can turn of encounters if you feel like you've had enough for one area, you can speed up leveling and/or battles, and you can even switch to the original soundtrack if you want. For those reasons, it barely gets a nod from me.

It's a good game. I especially enjoyed the writing, but some of the puzzles can be random when it comes to what you need to do. Still a fun game though, but you might want a guide around for the times when you get really stuck.

Very cool and unique game, and the PS1 aesthetic is perfect. I would definitely recommend if you want something really weird, dream-like, but in a good way.