5 reviews liked by Tonina

Me ha parecido alargado innecesariamente, el ciclo día/noche noto que sobra. La parte buena que le puedo ver a este juego es que han sabido adaptar al 3D la estética de Shin Chan. Todo el juego en sí me ha parecido muy pobre para ser una IP como Shin Chan.

Como un juego para pasar el rato y tener nostalgia de cuando veías Shin Chan de pequeño a mi me ha valido durante dos horas, el resto no puedo decir que haya podido disfrutarlo demasiado y me duele decirlo porque tanto las películas como la serie me parecen joyas.

I was looking forward to find some more uncanny elements in earlier stages of the game, but the suspense was build up pretty nicely! The artstyle, music and sound effects are great and the gameplay is not difficult. Not even for those cough who are not used to restaurant simulators. I can't recall many surreal/horror RPG(M)s being tycoon games, and this specific setting is perfect to make you feel under pressure from beginning to end.

The author is really good at telling short stories and making them more engaging with comedic relief. I strongly believe the stories Rachel conveys deserve to be longer- there is barely any time to explain the setting or the worldbuilding. There is no big development, so there is no big attachment to the story. Again, it's impressive to see how much you can tell in just one hour of gameplay... Have fun!

the most underrated storytelling in the LIS universe.
Even if the powers aspect is too overwhelming the way it deals with issues of the day immigration/fascism/lack of trust in law enforcement etc case this version to stand on it's own
the brothers relationship creates a dynamic that allows for an exploration of the bond between the people you love and the people who who need you.
I think its been downhill after this run for LIS the recent games are fine but this is the one I think about the most.

mfw my power is being an empath (I can't discern body language)

puede k neku sakuraba le hayan pasado cosas y toda la mierda pero el nunca ha experimentado los horrores de la mente d una adolescente así q sinceramente yo he sufrido mas q ese tio