194 Reviews liked by Tonydez415

Just finished replaying this on the Legacy of Thieves Collection. I can confirm that this game holds up perfectly. The remaster effort certainly helped, with the game running smoothly on 60 FPS and with slightly updated graphics, but the game itself is still a masterpiece. Uncharted 4 is very clearly influenced by the fact that Naughty Dog made it right after The Last of Us, and a lot of the things that ND did in TLOU is weaved into the Uncharted blockbuster action formula. This creates the most mature version of the formula yet, with it finally being bold and patient enough to let the world, characters, and story breathe more. Compared to the other Uncharted games, there are a lot of times where you can just explore the beautiful levels that ND crafted, and spend a bit more time with the characters they lovingly written, without being disturbed by combat, and they're just as good, if not better, than the action-packed scenes. Considering that this game has the best action set pieces and combat encounters overall in the series, that is a very impressive achievement. That maturity is also present in its writing, with it highlighting the flaws of its main characters, and in the process, dealing with how important it is to not take your loved ones for granted. From start to finish, Uncharted 4 always has something up its sleeve that will surprise and/or delight you, and I consider it to be a must-play game.

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Easily my favorite Uncharted game. It's also the longest of them, so that's cool. Gameplay, UI, and graphics kinda gave me the feeling that this was The Last of Us Part 2 with an Uncharted skin and a climbing mechanic. Not that that's bad, in fact I liked how this entry felt much more than the previous ones.
Gunplay feels great, minus the classic Uncharted-isms of trying to dodge away from something and accidentally taking cover in direct gunfire.
Vehicle sections were a tossup between either really fun action sequences, or kinda tedious semi-open-world exploration areas with not much reward for exploring instead of going straight for the objective.
Climbing got a makeover. Feels a lot more smooth and natural than it did in previous games, and the inclusion of the rope and piton were a great choice.
Writing was fantastic, in my opinion. The way this narrative was presented and told gave me a whole new level of involvement with the characters that I hadn't got since Uncharted 2. I really enjoyed the inclusion of Sam, and I thought Rafe was a pretty great villain.
Graphics were incredible. This and Lost Legacy both have some of the best area reveals and vistas in the series. Downright incredible level and environment design.
The music has been great all throughout the series. Great atmosphere and narrative quality. Definitely gives me the impression that Naughty Dog likes jungle-y type themes. Some parts of the soundtrack reminded me a bit of Jak and Daxter's instrumentation. The sound design was also on point. Gun sounds are killer, environment noises and walking are immersive, etc.
Combat encounters felt more balanced here. Still plenty difficult even on the normal setting, but this time the crazy encounters were offset by plenty of ways to take cover and refill ammo, while still being punishing if you decide to go in guns blazing.


As for the ending, it was great to see a happy ending for Nate and Elena (and the rest of the gang). I was scared that, since Neil Druckmann was the main writer and director, something would happen to one of the main characters and there would be a bittersweet ending, but nope. All was well in the end, and that felt great. I had to remember that this wasn't a TLOU game!
Definitely recommend this one. It's a blast!

best game of the series
alot more story focused than the rest, some sections of the game went a little too long without a combat encounter.
first half was amazing
it was when they get to the island which was around chap 14/15 my enjoyment of the game decreased quite a bit. way less action until the end where it picks up again with the combat.
sam was a great addition
puzzles were way less annoying thank you devs

Competes w/ Uncharted 2 as the best in the series. This delivered a compelling story from beginning to end, providing a satisfying end to Nathan Drake's tetralogy. It does a wonderful job of calling back to and referencing Drake's previous ventures. 60+ fps makes the experience super smooth, making up for combat that is improved compared to its predecessors, but still a bit finicky in nature.

An actual fun game when the controls are responsive, held back by being more grounded than the previous entries.


Very well made and the puzzles are designed well. It also doesn't overstay it's welcome. Even so I'm a dumb baby and puzzle games are too hard for me. The story was okay, although honestly I'd find either a more story-focused or a more action focused version of this would be a lot more up my alley.

Getting to play Beck songs as video game levels fulfilled something deep within me

death mode is so dumb, in some levels most runs are dead on arrival
it's fun to use the level editor to make music

There's a lot about Sound Shapes to love. I love how tightly integrated the music, platforming, and visuals are. I love how tightly coupled musical progression is to level progression. I love how usable the level designer is, and I also love the three levels I made. I love how far out there some of the levels go. I love how catchy each level's music can be. I had an amazing time with this game, it's just a profoundly cool and pitch perfect platformer that's very important to me. <3

Creative and unique way to incorporate music into a video game. Platinum was quite difficult but really fun to get. Definitely check this out if you have a playstation.

Tragically, one of the games hit by Sony's removal of the PS3 network. Without user content, there's not much to this game.

This barely even feels like a game. If you're just looking for something trying to be artsy, I guess it could fit that criteria.

Just beat Batman Arkham Asylum, that was a really great game. Combat was amazing, Batman was great, story was decent, gameplay was great. I don’t like some of the very niche gadgets much, I think the mission design isn’t very fun either and the bosses blow absolute dick, every boss can be chalked up to “throw batarang”not the most innovative experience of all time.
9/10 game