194 Reviews liked by Tonydez415

I don't think im alone when saying Fall Guys has really hit the deep end. Ever since Season 1: Free For All the game hasn't felt the same.

The main issues at the moment are not with the gameplay, which is good. However almost everything else has been pretty bad as of late. I'm going to go into depth about most of the problems in Fall Guys' current state.

I've played since launch, where the game slowly but surely got better and better. I'd say the game was worth 20 dollars at around season 3 or 4. There was a lot of changes and improvements that really added a lot to the game. It peaked at season 6, where there was so much variety and fun to be had. Free For All made some very strange changes that a lot of veterans don't like, myself included. Including things like: The game being F2P, Cosmetic prices, skill based matchmaking, crowns being essentially discontinued, and some other topics that i will cover within this review.

The F2P model is one I'm quite familiar with at this point, I've been playing TF2 since Jungle Inferno on and off. This example is really, really bad. If at launch the game was like this, i wouldn't have much of an issue. The problem is most people paid 20 dollars for the game, which some would still deem as too much. I got the game for free, so this doesn't effect me much, but that doesn't make it any better. The game being F2P has also made the came more popular, as free games usually are. This has upsides and downsides, as more players is good typically.

The increase in players, while good, has caused some other issues. a lot of newer players means older veterans would normally be filed in the all the newbies. I personally don't see an issue with this, as Fall Guys is a party game made for casual play. However the developers thought this would be an issue, so they introduced sill based matchmaking in every mode. I don't enjoy this at all, as the lobbies in general have become less casual. So goofing off is typically much harder and less doable. Which hurts the game as its not a serious game in any compacity. A ranked mode with the skill based matchmaking would suffice, but that would feel off to the core feel of the game.

In its current state the Battle Pass costs 10 dollars or 950 show bucks. Veterans got the first one for free, which contains only barely enough for the next one. you get about 1200 per pass which is only 350 to spend on whatever. That is not enough to usually buy anything for a good value. You can get typically a full set of cosmetics or 1 taunt with that amount which is not worth it. Not to mention crowns as a currency have been completely removed, in favor of the previously mentioned show bucks. Prices for items have not changed significantly in Satellite Scramble (the second free season).

As a sort of replacement for the easy to earn cosmetics in the shop, there are events that happen semi-frequently. These events attempt to spice up the gameplay loop and reward the player for playing. Typically these events coincide with a new bundle in the shop or a new show that you can play in. The events do their job, but the cosmetics are usually ones that would be priced in the shop for kudos instead of show bucks. Which is not necessarily a problem, but more a side effect of the currency swap. The way it used to work was: something would be in the shop, you would need 10 or so crowns to buy it, you earned the crowns by either winning or getting them in the once free pass, and then buying the cosmetic, all for free. Things are worse now, as i have mentioned before, crowns have been removed as a currency. So all the crossovers/actually good looking cosmetics cost around 8 dollars or so.

As for the upsides, The game has never had more variety when it comes to games, new shows being released weekly and new maps/variations being released somewhat frequently. Though I haven't seen any of the maps introduced in Free For All sense Satellite Scramble came out. The new maps like hoverboard heroes and pixel painters are either really fun or really unique. Props to the devs.

Por mais que Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout inove no mercado dos jogos-eletrônicos com sua temática até então única (ao estilo de um "Olimpíadas do Faustão" ou até as famosas "Gincanas" do Silvio Santos) que não tinha sido explorada dessa maneira em um jogo antes, a cada dia que se passa Fall Guys vai perdendo cada vez mais a força e a popularidade que um dia já teve na comunidade por basicamente ser mais do mesmo e quase nunca ter algo novo que de fato possa trazer á tona de volta os jogadores, além disso, temos um preço relativamente salgado para um jogo Indie que sequer irá te prender mais do que duas ou três horas de gameplay, por isso, para mim não vale mais a pena comprar esse jogo a não ser que tenha uma promoção muito boa sobre ele...

Fun with friends. I view this game through the same lens I use to view Fortnite.

It's alright. A neat game to play for a while, but that's about it.

Played this with my mates Greg and Joe and Joe got absolutely fucked at the finish line, F's for him.

Journey is really quite lovely. Would I have gladly paid for this, not knowing what to expect? I don't think so. But I'm happy having experienced Journey when it was free on the Playstation store. I had an especially touching moment at the end; while I struggled to climb the mountain, I found a friend along the way. Finishing the game alongside someone else was so special because I didn't expect it at all.

Nice, atmospheric walking sim. It really exudes some 'nostalgic summer' vibes that are hard to find in other forms

bayonetta is a documentary btw. this all happened.

Bayo's pretty good. It's been a hot couple years since I last played it, and I'm not really super impressed, but it's still a cool game that makes you feel pretty cool.

When the game is in it's pure combat against normal enemies it's at its best. I dont think I enjoy this game's combat system as much as say, DMC5, but when a lot of action games lately have just become Light > light > Light > light > heavy + stealing witch time dodges it's still refreshing. One of the biggest issues with normal combat is that the game gives you the best + coolest weapon in the game as your second weapon (shoutouts to the katana, though the fire/lighting claws are also really fun). Infact they kinda frontload the weapons because katana/claws are so good but everything after fell kinda flat for me. In terms of enemies there isn't a huge variatity but there's still enough and the only ones I really don't like are the ones that you can't witchtime lol. The camera can also be funky but I dont think it's really as bad as some people make it out to be.

By far bayo is at its worst when it's gimmick section time. It's a very 7th gen game thing where they push a lot of weird gimmick sections to add "variety" and "break up the pace". A controversal opinion of mine is that I don't like most of those sections in 7th gen games in particular and rather just have more interesting standard encounters, and bayonetta reinforces this thought of mine.
The motorcycle/kamiya's love for Space Harrier sections are Okay at best, but then we start getting things like fighting a boss on a turret that's just complete ass, or the on water boss. Infact most of the bosses in this game, past the visual spectacle part, are pretty mid to fight. Things like Jeanne and Balder are pretty good, but then you fight stuff like Golem and Lustitia that just blow. I didn't do all of the bonus stages, but most of those were either really easy or just really obnoxious gimmick. I love having to protect an NPC me when enemy's will just spawn next to it.

(also, this might just be me but the visual spectacle the game's praised often for just kinda floated off me this run. maybe it's because I have played the game before/know whats going to happen, but outside of the few things that are still pretty pog i was kinda checked out for the cutscenes. I don't really consider this a negative cuz I'm sure it was cool as hell back inthe day and everything's a little less cool when you know what' going to happen)

Also there's a story. yeah it's there. There's some nonsense about time travel at the end but the story is simply an engine to give you some cool cutscenes and watch bayo and jeanne kill angels. The game still looks nice tho, obviously being a ps3 game there's age but some fantastic animation work and enemy visual design doing some insane weight lifting.

Bayonetta has problems, a lot of it I put in how games were made back during gen 7, and even if it's not my favorite bayo's combat is still miles above most of it's compatriots in the genre. If you like action games you should go play Bayonetta, cuz a lot of games have been ripping this game off for a while.

Une des meilleurs collection de JV disponible sur le marchés mais ca c'était avant que naughty dog ne deviennent une entité a la botte de l'état que l'on ne doit pas prononcer

Fart jokes aside (deadly but silent, y'know), a pretty good port of the original RE1. I never beat RE1 back in the day but I wanted to give it a shot because I love REmake and this version interested me because of QoL changes (transition skips, quick turn and quick knife). It really makes you appreciate REmake even more (difficulty balancing and added content mostly), but it's great on its own.

My complaints are that it's really really easy (you're showered in ink ribbons, herbs and ammo) and the caves are ugly as FUCK.

Pretty easy to recommend to anyone interested in playing the OG after REmake because the game is like 4 hours long.

Note, this is all based on a Classic mode Jill's good ending playthrough. I'll play Classic mode Chris in a bit. Don't really care to play Rebirth mode though.

Edit: classic Chris is as easy as classic Jill save the start, just has a lot more walking. Rebecca is a queen tho

It's a solid Megaman-Like sidescroller with a simple but engaging plot. Realistically, it's fairly run of the mill in our current day and age, but it basically brought along a resurgence of indie games in pop culture so it deserves respect for that alone.

Cool chapter. It got boring sometimes, but it had fun moments and incredible crossovers. The Darth Vader skin, Indiana Jones and Dragon Ball event were, without a doubt, the best things about this chapter. Didn't get to 100% complete the Battle Pass, but i had fun nonetheless.

Ratchet and his buddy Clank are back, Locked and Loaded going on a new action packed adventure as they venture through the even weirder and more corrupt Bogon Galaxy. Ratchet 2 is a very weird game for me especially since I loved the first game so much, i don't hate it in fact there's a lot to love about this game but there's a few fatal flaws that kept it from being a perfect sequel, I don't know if this game deserves an 7 or 8/10 but i think I'll give it an 7 just due to those good moments really hitting but there's unfortunately many flaws that hurt this game.

Looking at the development of this game, Ratchet 2 was greenlit just months before the original game's release with Visual Production of the world and setting starting in August 2002, The team had one goal in mind: Make it Bigger. They wanted to add so much to the original game while also fine tuning those elements that needed a bit of work in the first game, adding things such as newer and more ambitious Gadgets and Weapons, RPG Elements, more variety, a better and more comedic story. The answer is did they succeed? The answer is Yes and no (but mostly Yes). With only 8 months to develop this game along with doubling up the team it's impressive how well this game managed to be however it does have a few trappings around the 2nd and especially the 3rd Act.

This can be seen in the Story, it perfectly follows up the first game though not as well as Sly 2. Taking place a few months after the first game, Ratchet and Clank are being interviewed by someone (which i headcanon is the same guy from Spyro 1), while Clank is somewhat content with not doing much, Ratchet seems physically and audible disappointed not doing much of worth, luckily he wish of doing something greater as they are quickly teleported to the Bogon Galaxy by a man by the name of Abercrombie Fizzwidget, the founder and CEO of Megacorp who informs the duo of a Thief who had stolen Megacorp's most valuable experiment, The Proto-Pet. The Plot starts really strong, giving "Commando Training" to Ratchet to iron out his character from the first game while giving us 2 Comedic Villains (The Thief and the Thugs of Less Leader) that know how to get shit done to face off, one thing that they wanted to avoid in this game is having the pitfalls of Ratchet's so much so that they decided to quickly recast, I don't get the criticism of Ratchet undergoing an Arc, they may have overdone it a tiny bit but the complaint at the time was aimed at Ratchet having the arc in the first place, which is like complaining about how the Chris Tucker dude from Rush Hour isn't likeable from the start, due to this the character arcs are gone till Deadlocked which is a shame in my opinion since i feel it would have given the characters a bit more edge, but in favour the comedy here is amped up, the first game was funny but this game is on another level, Satirical Humour, Slapstick, 4th Wall Breaking, References etc, It's more of a treat to see these one off characters since you never know what your gonna get, however while the comedy is top tier the story just stops? It's weird after the Desert Planet you find out the thief is a female Lombax (Angela) who I don't really like since after her unveiling she's kinda used as a clumsy plot device and clearly didn’t get enough time to be her own character, and that Fizzwidget is a bit sus after "accidentally" injecting them/crushing their ship and "accidentally" giving them the wrong password. The game also gives some cutscenes of what happened to Qwark after the events of the first game, look if it wasn't clear enough along with Fizzwidget saying "Qwarktastic'', Fizzwidget is Qwark, but you have to wait till the last few minutes to find that out, one of the main reasons why the first game's story worked so well is that it felt so tightly written, every planet had agency and there was a sense of urgency as you progressed. In 2 you have a few stages with little to no story apart from "lol Megacorp is fucked up" then all of sudden something like the duo getting arrested or Angela getting captured, or them confronting Angela and realising they helped the villains, or the Proto Pet meance finally getting released into the world, these are good story moments both comedically and character wise but it takes a while to get to, plus the last 3rd of the game has this dumbass fetch quest of a Gadget only used twice, it just feels like they had all these cool planets and characters they wanted to use but didn't make a compelling story or reason to have them be in the game, like of course the Plumber returns which is cool since he isn't used as the almighty Chekvo's Demigod but they also use the RYNO Vender again from the first game to give you the 2nd flying gadget of the game (oh by the way he's really big now i guess). I feel the Plot could have tighten itself through having the Proto Pet Menace be released way earlier, also there's no Infobots, which was a great way to bridge gaps between Planets organically, Instead the characters either find these Floating Flat Screen LCD TVS or magically pull them out, it feels messy and like they ran out of Plot throughout the game so much to the point where the finale feels rushed with Chekvo's Infobot coming in at the last second, like with this definitely not thought out twist they have the original Fizzwidget come in and says Thank You for releasing me!, now being more posh than Qwark's impersonation but they presented that Megacorp was a rotten company for some time even if we assume Qwark did all those heinous stuff in a matter of a few months (which it wasn't) like they left employees to die in a swamp, drove Gadgetron (the company from the first game) out of business but maybe you could say Fizzwidget had a hard look at himself while inside the closet and evaluated all the bad stuff he did in the past now so it’s okay i guess.

I feel some fixes i would have done would be either keep the Qwark Twist but have it happen either when the duo get stranded in the Desert or when they get arested or just ditch Qwark for the next game since i still think his multi game arc could still work since let's be really he isn't really that funny or even threatening as a villain here since he isn't given the time needed to thrive or maybe tease him at the end of this game like Deadlocked and instead make Fizzwidget the villain like was intended, have Fizzwidget personally tell them that he's the big bad guy before they're arrested and despite the hold he has on the Galaxy, he just wants more money with the Proto Pet and the people of the Bogon Galaxy to respect Megacorp as company even more, present Megacorp as a company that was rotten from the start of the game instead of slowly dripping it any of the NPCs you talk to so resentment to Megacorp but can't do anything due to Megacorp being that Big, make Ratchet fully realise that in his pursuit of wanting to live the glory days, he accidentally helps the Villain fulfil his goal and should have had more light shed on it, realising that he needs to make it right, have this realisation after they get arrested, also in the Desert Stage Ratchet is fulling trusting of Megacorp and Clank is a lot more less distrusting, a sort of role reversal of the first game, and instead of a confused old guy he's more akin to how Drek was in the first game and will do anything in order to get what he wants, including kidnapping Angela or releasing the Proto Pet Meance early. Then at the end of the game we see him through everything at Ratchet, then after the final boss, we have Fizzwidget pleading Ratchet that all he wanted for people to respect his company again as it's been passed from Fizzwidget to Fizzwidget and as his duty he needs to preserve it for future generations, Ratchet lets Fizzwidget go and the ending (set few months after) shows that Megacorp is slowly but surely recovering to its former glory. I think the scenes with the Thug 4 Less Leader with Fizzwidget could show that he's more sympathetic about his actions, making the ending feel a lot more earned. I think that would work better than "Megacorp is bad or is it?" like they kinda discard it at the end for a cheap twist but while i do think my rewrite fixes a lot of the issues of this story, i feel it doesn't really matter? Like you can tell the animators (Yes Animators wrote this and the previous game) wanted to focus on comedy above all else which while is disappointing i can't complain here since the story isn't take as seriously as say the 3 Future games or Sly 4 where critique is warranted but since the comedy is done so well, i feel it shortcomings are sorta made up for.

But in terms of it's presentation, i feel Locked and Loaded keeps the same bar of the original while slightly dropping it, compared to the first game and let's be honest, apart from animation which is just as great as the first game if not more so is slacking compared to its other PS2 contemporaries, not bad by any means but i just find Sly 2 or even Jak 2 to look more aesthetically pleasing, the game looks good but i find more often that the colours look washed out, the game trades the rustic/cyberpunk aesthetics to a more clean and sterile aesthetic and this plus environments make it not as memorable as the first game, like for instance the game's take for Metropolis (Megapolis) is a great level with strong level design and an pretty cool and funny game mechanic of the robotic cleaners topped with some great callbacks, a decent boss and a nice Clank section but pales in comparison to Metropolis in terms of it Vibes and Level design, a lot of areas look great such as exploring an Illegal sky port, a large desert/tundra filled with crystals, the countless of unique factorys/test facilities that Megacorp owns, the beautiful greenary/forest areas, space vegas and even a not as cool "we reuse the first level but harder" thing from Ratchet 1 now with the airship from the beginning, however i feel a lot of the City's apart from Megapolis blend together into one Beige mess that while have great level design, don't do much to differentiate themselves from each other. I think this also goes for music, not bad, some great but mostly forgettable, again I don't have much to say about the Ost of most Ratchet games since they only really fit the mood/atmosphere of the stage and aren't my kind of thing anyway, but one thing that sorta stays same is the Voice acting, Mikey Kelly is replaced with James Arnold Taylor of Johnny Test fame and i think he does a mighty fine job doing his voice though i felt it was bit to far in order to make Ratchet have less of his edge, the voice acting is as good as the first game but there's some standouts like Steve Blum as the Thugs for Less leader, not only is he already a funny character but the delivery absolutely sells it for me, he manages to perfectly balance between threatening and insanely comedic, it's quite a shame he's barely used in the series again since he perfectly does what a Ratchet Villain is suppose to do.

But in terms of gameplay it's kinda like the story, while one core element really works, the rest feel a bit half-baked. When it comes to the moment to moment gameplay in terms of level design and gameplay mechanics Locked and Loaded hits it out of the park and manages to be as good as Ratchet 1 and even better sometimes, the game uses a lot of the same structure as the first game but fully merges both platforming and shooting into one little glorious mix of 3rd Person shooter goodness and some solid platforming, with Ratchet's new tighter movement and strafing it makes combat so much more frantic and controlled, the strategic feeling of the first game isn't lost however since new to this game is Weapon and Nanotech upgrades, While i welcome the Nanotech upgrades with wither fighting enemies or collecting them, i feel the Weapon Upgrades and the weapons themselves could have used a bit more work, I don't want to overwhelming negatives but the Weapons are handled a bit poorly, they only level up once and hell sometimes they completely change the function, like the Lava Gun which while still a decent level up feels way too different from the original use, also don't like how the Slim Cognito Mods you need to seek out and use Raritanium (which isn't very rare by the way). Most of the time however, the Weapon Upgrades come in handy mostly notably the Bouncer which becomes an absolute beast.

But i mean apart from that i don't have much to say about the weapons of Locked and Loaded, a lot use the same tropes from the first game, normal shooting weapons, crowd control, bots, remote control weapons, long shot beam weapons etc. The newer weapon ideas are pretty hit and miss unfortunately, having Gadgetron weapons is nice i suppose but it's obvious they were more for contextual reasons rather than any good feasible reason for gameplay, i found some weapons like the Chopper or Hoverbomb Gun feel like Weapons that were supposed to be in the first game since they feel more fit for that slower strategic gameplay instead since both trade off speed for stronger attacks making them feel insanely situational but other like the Bouncer, Blitz Gun, Zodiac, Pulse Rifle etc really work for this more action packed platformer while also keeping the strategy elements from the previous game intact, but i do have a few issues with the weapons and other RPG aspects of this game, for one i feel levelling them up takes a bit of time, not too much but just enough where there’s the feeling off “When can this level up?”, the other issues with levelling up is how they handled having Weapons, in the first game each weapon was useful throughout from the start right to end with maybe the exception of the Bomb Glove, In 2 first game Weapons are completely useless as the game progressed, while we're not there yet despite me feeling so luckwarm about Ratchet 3 I find how they handled weapons there to be better since they allow for 5 Levels while also balancing older weapons in the first act for other enemies in later stages, again not too huge of a fan of Up Your Arsenal but this is one aspect that UYA actually improves on previous games, but here not only are some Weapons are in danger of being completely outclassed but the encomny and enemy balance of this game is completely wack, sure you get more Bolts from enemies and Boxes since they are now Gold Bolts, this makes the original Gold Bolts to Titanium Bolts now which is neat I guess, but for some reason Bolt prices for Weapons and especially armour (another new RPG mechanic) are insanely expensive, unless you grind with the Maxi Games and Ship games good luck on getting all the Main Weapons in a first playthrough, speaking of Armour while I like the idea of Armour upgrades, again the economic issues really hold them back from being anything other than a neat little novelty, though they look really bad especially in the PS3 Version were the helmet isn't even on Ratchet's head and it's too big for him.

Also, it just feels like Locked and Loaded losses ideas and steam as it goes along, it gets better during the Hypnomatic quest since I find those levels to be a blast and the aforementioned Sky Port stage but Locked and Loaded 2nd Act levels never get bad per say but a bit boring, in 1 it felt each level was of a consistent quality expect maybe if it was a more obstacle like stage were some frustration could be had, each of them had interesting ideas with Gadgets while also balancing platforming and shooting but in Locked and Loaded 2nd Act levels just kinda don't do that? Again I can't stress enough they aren't badly designed levels but i just feel naturally blending the routes into 2 just makes them less memorable than the first game, this could also be attributed to the Gadgets but one thing that you can clearly show the devs losing steam are the bosses, The Maxigame bosses are inoffensive since they’re just suppose to be an sendoff to the challenge as well as the crystal hunting minibosses but as the game progresses each boss just get worse and worse, from the decent fights with the swamp monster and Helicopter to the great Uncharted esque chance with Angela or giant mech fight (if you’re using V2 Bouncer) to the unfair saucer fight, boring Thugs for Less leader Clank fight and the laughably anti-climatic final boss that you can snipe from a mile away which feels like a boss found in the Maxigames, it’s sucks because they have this great idea of using weapons/ammo from the game but you barely see it since it doesn't take long to beat him, i guess they wanted to make up from the final boss of Ratchet 1 huh?

The Gadgets and extra gizmos you get in this aren't as interesting as the first game unfortunately, first Clank gameplay has gotten a huge downgrade atmospherically, it seems that it felt like they wanted to get it over with since "Oh the first game had it so this one has to have it to" in the 2 scenarios (I.e Megapolis and the Prison Break) there's a lot less going on and your essentially just freeing Ratchet instead of soaking in the atmosphere of challenges that may seem easy for Ratchet but harrowing for Clank. Giant Clank however is the complete opposite, they introduced these Spherical world's which are neat little pace breaker that are unfortunately used once for normal Ratchet but they used like 2 or 3 times for Giant Clank, and it is awesome, they added strafing, a bunch of new moves and best of all, the frame rate doesnt shit itself! Now where I’m where I’m really baffled about Locked & Loaded is it’s Gadget line-up, of course you have a few returning ones like the Packs, Swingshot and Grind Boots when you save Clank and also a new version of the Gravity Boots which makes combat a lot better there but a lot of times the new Gadgets in 2 feel like there should be merged in some instances, like the Dynamo and Tracker Beam are 2 Beam gadgets but one is for Bots and Bombs and one is for platforms, could they not have been merged? Another example are 2 Flying Gadgets, The Levitator and Momentum Glider, while these work differently and are very fun i just found them weird since i feel the Momentum Glider is useless since the Levitator is just a better version of it, you also got 2 hacking minigames which while serviceable feel way too trial and error to be considered that fun or even puzzles for that matter. You also get the returning extra items from Ratchet 1 like the Mapper or Bolt Magnetic and even new ones like the Charge Boots which give you a long boost and the Box Breaker that breaks boxes upon slamming. Finally these 2 Gadgets have such cool ideas but aren’t executed the best, these being the Thermanotor and the Hyponomatic, the Thermantor allows you to freeze and refreeze water, this is such a cool idea but in the segments you have to use them in you have to be unfeasibly precise with when you time you shoot the Ice, and the Hypnomatic essentially allows you to be a twin stick shooter robot, while it’s fine and inoffensive it just feels like a waste due to how the 3rd Act is just dedicated to getting all the parts and especially since it’s used twice in the game, one being a tutorial and one being the final, not to mention there’s already a remote control robot in this game.

However despite how I’ve felt throughout this review, one thing that Locked & Loaded nails are the new Maxigames which are new side content ventures that allow you to obtain more bolts that may be mandatory once or twice they are introduced, everyone of these is great apart from Ship stuff which is just ranges kinda boring and really bad with the racing sections, all of these new additions are top-tier, the Hoverbike races are a lot more instance than the Hoverboard in Ratchet 1, you are always in your feet since you could flying through and then one crash could ruin everything, not to mention later on the Power-Ups you use in the stages can be used against you, and the Crystal Hunting stages, yes fuck the snowbeast but these are great, allowing you to explore these giant battlefields finding sellable, fighting enemies and bosses while also leveling up everything and oh the Arenas, fantastic addition, pure fighting bliss filled with non-stop action packed euphoria with each challenge being more unique and gruelling more than the last, this is how any platformer should do variety (mostly), keeping the core fundamentals and gameplay of the main game while also adding upon it and giving the player new and exciting challenges.

But overall looking at Locked & Loaded in a vacuum, yeah it’s pretty good but i feel it could have been better if they had more time to fully develop it’s ideas, when Locked & Loaded gets going with it’s core mechanics like the comedy, music, level ideas and action-packed gameplay, it’s a blast and even matches and surpasses to the first game but when it stumbles, it just kinda falls, it never gets awful which is why i may retract that 7/10 to an low 8/10 since that core is so strong but it’s flaws can’t be overlooked, yeah it’s funny but the story is a bit messy, yeah the music & level ideas slap sometimes but more times than not they mush together and feels a lot less unique that the first, yes that euphoric action-packed gameplay is redefined from the first game with better controls and bigger bolder action setpieces, but it feels like it’s just throwing ideas on a wall and seeing what sticks making for such an inconsistent experience when some stuff lands and some stuff don’t (like there’s Wrench Upgrades in this game why do you need Wrench upgrades???), in spite it all though, Locked & Loaded is still a good game with that core gameplay more than times that not being that fun and is also a solid entry in the series and this genre as a whole but the first game is better, Yeah i just found the first game’s presentation, levels and story to beat this one out due to how much more refined and unique they are, but hey, it’s better than Ratchet 2016 and Up Your Arsenal, so that’s something.

Phenomenal story and visuals, amazing characters, and nice callbacks to the previous titles in the series. Only downsides are the janky combat and stealth sequences but that is something that's been an issue with me for the entire series.