A game so boring it was actually good

A fun Zelda adventure that balances Dark themes with moments of levity nicely. Definitely worth a play if you're a fan of the series.

A perfect reimagining of a classic - but it has some running issues

The best Zelda game and I will die on this hill.

This game is clinically insane and so much fun.

A god tier game (pardon the pun)

One of the only video games to nearly move me to tears

A fun Pokemon adventure that while improving a lot of aspects does seem to lack creativity in some areas. The dynamax feature doesn't really add anything new the franchise but the overall experience is pretty fun for newcomers and Pokémon veterans alike.

This game gave me a bad back and it was worth it

A fun remake that is faithful to the original but I can't help but feel they could have done more with it. Fun either way!

Felt like a return to form for Halo and I had the best time playing it on Heroic.