This game is goofy as all hell, but man I love it. Didn't get into the first one much as a kid, but devoured this in a big bad way. The game show questions at the end of "Jim is now a Blind Cave Salamander" were particularly hilarious.

LOVED this, even though I'm aware of its shortcomings. The expanded job system and far more lenient laws felt very welcome.
This was more forgiving than its predecessor, but no less enjoyable! I only wish they'd follow this up with a sequel. The Tactics and Ivalice series have been sorely neglected.

Truly the biggest disappointment in gaming for me. I just can't with this; obnoxious characters, nonsensical story, incredibly boring combat, and completely forgettable environments. But it sure looks pretty!

I never engaged with the main quest and still was able to sink countless hours into this. The Shivering Isles DLC also boosted the play time for me with its eclectic cast, environment and enemies. More depth than Skyrim, but this was the beginning of the downfall of the Elder Scrolls with more streamlined RPG mechanics and progressively less character-driven story. In saying that, the Dark Brotherhood questline is still a huge highlight.

All good, but ultimately gets incredibly repetitive and tiresome. A decent set up for the next game.

Brutal, lovecraftian nightmare simulator. I love the flawed nature of your heroes and ultimately becoming what you're trying to combat by treating your team as nothing more than expendable bodies. Anxiety filled combat makes for both dizzying highs and subterranean lows when you either lose heroes who you have been investing in all game, of you pull off what originally seemed to be an impossible win.

Great wee platformer. Better than its predecessor, but doesn't hold a candle to its sequel.

The definitive version of Chrono Trigger. Not much more can be said...this is widely considered the greatest JRPG ever made for good reason.

Was thoroughly engaged in this...up until a certain point where it just became an outright slog. Great job system and combat, but I just couldn't get past the tedium.

So good in multiplayer especially. They took something that could've easily been ruined, but the team obviously poured so much love and care into this. An absolute joy to play, and took me back to the couch co-op of the original when I was 7-8 years old.

Loved playing through this with friends...but I have a feeling the experience would be VERY different solo. Also tweeked some of the settings to make the grind less egregious.

This was my intro to Dragonquest, and what a stellar intro it was!! Loveable characters, familiar and comforting combat systems, and a colourful world all make for a wonderful adventure. My only gripe is it's probably a weeeeeee bit too long.

With very limited boards and considerable luck-based gameplay, it felt like Nintendo were just sort of "thumbing it in" with this one. I went from loving every session of this with friends and family to QUICKLY becoming frustrated and bored. Wasted potential.

Solid tactics game and match-maker simulator. I never finished it, but there's a wealth of content to play through, and I'd recommend it to anyone with a 3DS.

It was aggresively average tactics affair with a pretty nonsense story. The castle-building/developing aspect also felt like wasted potential. Conquest was definitely the better of the two.