Big boy edgelord Kratos slices his way through a surprisingly large amount of puzzles and quick time events. This was so metal when it first came out, and that Hydra battle on the ship at the beginning made a BIG statement that this game was not here to mess.

I genuinely think about this game still, and wish I could play it again for the first time. A true mystery masterpiece and a perfect example of how a game can make you feel like a genius over and over again.
I wish there was more. I would play endless episodes like this until the world inevitably perishes in a sea of nuclear fire.

The Monster Hunter game that finally got its claws into me. Getting into the online aspect and playing through a good chunk of this with family and friends just enhanced the experience. I remove half a star because of the forced rampage missions, which really weren't THAT bad.
Great sword gang rise up!

I really tried to enjoy this, and bought it after undergoing a vasectomy. Unfortunately the vasectomy itself turned out to be a more pleasant experience than this. It really is a testament to how little Game Freak cares about its games, when there are a myriad of glitches, coding problems and optimisation issues that seem to be simple to fix...yet remain there to this day. I guess there's no money in fixing a game that sold millions when you've already got the cash.
Getting a vasectomy on Valium and whisky while listening to Iron Maiden? HIGHLY recommended.
Pokemon Scarlet? HARD pass.

This game still slaps, with a banging soundtrack, iconic levels and great gameplay. The anxiety induced by the oxygen countdown during the underwater sections still haunts me to this day. Boosting faster than the game could keep up in Chemical Plant Zone still tickles me to this day.

Masterpiece expansion for a masterpiece video game. Flawless.

Banging the Sonic 3 cartridge into the top of the Sonic & Knuckles cartridge was a true childhood wonder. This is peak Sonic with everything turned to 11.

Genuinely funny puzzler that can be knocked out in an evening. A great wee charmer.

I was so excited to get my hands on this when it originally came out, only to be bitterly disappointed. However, this version resolves the biggest issue I had with the original: character variety. Vaan and Penelo are still of no consequence whatsoever, but the rest of the cast are great. The localisation for is also a wonder, and the voice acting unparalleled. I went from getting halfway through the original to ravenously consuming this one all the way through and nearly 100%'ing it.

Herb gathering simulator. This was the next Dragon Age game I played after Origins, and what a disappointment. Just did not jive with this entry at all.

The pinnacle of the Elder Scrolls series for me by far. I can't guess how many hours disappeared into this game, but man...what a joy. I still haven't finished the main questline, but the world is so deep and immersive that I never felt the need to actually finish it. I'm also one of those weirdos who enjoys the dice roll aspect of combat and stats. Mods have only extended the life of this game, and one can only hope the next Elder Scrolls game looks back to what made this such a phenomenal open world...but seeing how Starfield turned out I don't have high hopes.

Deceptively deep; an auto-run roguelite that I could really relax into. I only hope and pray more content gets released for this. The soundtrack also goes so hard.

Literally the best looking game for the first Playstation, this is a HEAVY stats and systems RPG. The menus are clunky to navigate, and the battle system hasn't aged great, but by god what I'd give for a remaster. The environment, the smithing system, the story, the themes and the script are just perfect. Revisiting Lea Monde is an absolute joy every play through.

I VERY quickly clicked that this game was not for me, but boy am I glad it exists.

Very enjoyable re-imagining of the SNES classic, with an added perk system and voice acting.
However, I'm not a huge fan of the chibi art style, and prefer the original pixel art. The additional features also feel more like fluff than definitive requirements, but was still very enjoyable to play through.