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I acknowledge this game is a masterpiece, but unfortunately it just didn't click with me in the same way From Software's other titles have. the setting didn't jive, the lore didn't grab me, and the requirement for perfection during some boss fights created more frustration than anything else.
With that being said, however, the game truly makes you feel incredible when you pull off a well-thought through plan, and slinging around the placing like motherf***ing ninja was a joy. Killing that giant white snake was also one the greatest moments in any From Software title.
A classic case of "it's not you, it's me" with this one.

I dunno man...I just never gelled with this. Fights were fun when doing multiplayer, but I just found it a frustration to unlock everyone and get through any single player aspect.
Not for me.

I've sank hundreds upon hundreds of hours into this bad boy and never finished it. I've played this so many goddam times, I can straight up no longer play it again. It's phenomenal, but having played Oblivion and Morrowind, it just becomes so obvious how shallow the game is.

God this game is SO CLOSE to being the breath of fresh air the series badly needs. Very enjoyable and I still feel the need to actually finish it, but by god a lot of the open world areas feel empty and lifeless. The focus on collecting here is greatly appreciated, but the addition of moves having two additional different styles makes battling a little more interesting.

It sure is one of the best games of all time, and I sure have bounced off of it every time I've played it. I missed the boat on this, but can appreciate the sheer weight of accomplishment and scope that it had for the time it was released.

How this game was able to run on the Playstation 2 is black magic.
The world is flawless, the puzzle mechanics to each boss is satisfying, and there's atmosphere for days. I'll never forget jumping onto the wing of the fifth colossus and the epic sense of grandeur that ensued as you fly through the air, desperately hanging on.

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A goddam Russian Doll of a game. As soon as you've got the hang of it, it pulls the rug out from under you...multiple times.
I understand the frustration people have with the game changing so much, but each time it did, I was ready for it.
The truly astounding ARG aspect aside, this game's twists and turns kept me coming back, desperate to see how everything concluded.

I tried to like this game...I really did...but boy...coming from someone who was expecting an open world RPG this fell drastically short.
All roleplaying aspects are incredibly superficial and borderline non-existent, missions are repetitive, and boring, and the story culminates in a truly awful anti-climax.
The gunplay, however, is a vast improvement and the base building was a fun enough distraction. But honestly...don't waste your time with this tripe.

The gunplay rules, the story rules, the characters rule, the humour rules, the DLC content rules, MR. TORGUE RULES.

Being a gigantic Western nerd, this game was like a glass of good whisky; smooth, dark, deep and warm.
I often forget how good this was when it first came out, and playing it with the soundtrack substituted for the band Earth's catalogue was a pro move. Resonated more than any of the Grand Theft Auto games ever did for me.

A far cry from the previous entries. Got halfway through and just couldn't be bothered continuing.

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I remember booting this game up for the first time around midnight in my flat...alone...having no idea what I was in for, and promptly bricking it when arriving in Rapture.
Sure...the game isn't the greatest in terms of gunplay, and it utilises some archaic gameplay elements which were classic for the time...but c'moooooooon...that twist! THAT TWIST. And taking to Andrew Ryan with a golf club was just chef's kiss.

This game gets a regular bashing with my young daughter. It transcends age and experience, and just continues to be fun as shit, regardless of who you are. It's kind of an institution now, but everyone with a switch has this bloody game for good reason.


Still cranks hard. The fact that I've been jamming this bad boy for 20+ years speaks volumes to how hard it goes. RIP AND TEAR...

A truly oppressive puzzle platformer that left my jaw on the floor by the end.