Sammy's Rating Scale

Saw people doing this and thought it would be fun to do. I am nothing but a follower of trends lmao. Plus I dig seeing how people treat their rating scales and what they tend to look for in the art they engage with so been really neat to see!

I tend to not put a toooon of stock into my ratings, especially since I tend to give a lot of shit high scores, but I still think it's fun to think about and kinda deconstruct how I look at the ratings that I give the things I play and experience. I will also take literally any excuse to make a list.

(5/5) A Mastapiece

A game that connects with me real deep in some way or hits in a way that nothing else really fully can for me.
The Evil Within
The Evil Within
(4.5/5) Almost There

A very good game that almooost gets it all right but something within it is holding it back from masterpiece status for me.
Rumble Roses
Rumble Roses
(4/5) A Great Time

A great game that's fun or interesting with what it's going for but just doesn't do anything super amazing but shines brightly in a number of moments outside of its flaws for it to work well for me still.
Zone of the Enders
Zone of the Enders
(3.5/5) Good With Some Setbacks

A good game that has some things cooking and some great potential but just doesn't fully go in on that enough to bring it above being just good.
Bionic Commando
Bionic Commando
(3/5) The Textbook Example of Solid

Solid. A game that doesn't do anything particularly amazing but is still just a fun or interesting enough time to make the experience still feel pretty worthwhile to get through, probably won't stick in my mind unless its as potential-laden as something like Bionic Commando (2009) or Bullet Witch.
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
(2.5/5) Flawed With a Couple Glimmers of Hope Underneath the Surface.

Possibly a fun time but has enough wrong or frustrating going on with it to keep it from its greater potential or a game that's fun but with a looooot of asterisks to go along with it all.
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
(2/5) The Line Between Good and Bad

There's SOMETHING there. There are ideas, there are feelings, there is something going on that keeps it from being a complete mess but its got some major MAJOR setbacks. Basically the limit of what I would consider to be a good time. It's gotta still be doing something at least a bit right to not dip below this rating.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
(1.5/5) Boring

Not completely irredeemable, may have something like art direction or something barely keeping its head above water to keep it interesting enough to at least not fall asleep while playing but does so much wrong for me that I just can't see myself ever going back to it. I wouldn't even call games that land here funny bad or worth feeling much of anything about. I'd call them boring and not worth anymore of my time or energy.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
(1/5) What Happened?

An absolute tragedy. The little it may do well is completely outshined by all of the bad it ends up doing for me. A game that thinking about it just makes me sad unless its The Quiet Man, in which case I laugh, but even within those rare instances it's still not worth playing again.
The 3rd Birthday
The 3rd Birthday
(.5/5) Absolute Garbage

Not worth the time, energy or effort to even think about any longer. Anything here deserves my complete ire and absolutely petty spite. Nothing of value lies within its digital walls. Where art absolutely goes to fucking die.

Very few things can get this rating from me, but when they do oh boy do they absolutely fucking deserve it.


3rd Birthday seems like The Game ever made and it's really funny knowing Hajime Tabata had directed it w/ Motomu Toriyama being one of the writers
Agreed, especially since Toriyama absolutely can and has done better than that writing wise both before and since then so it's a bizarre ass misstep. They all just let their brains go into horny autopilot with that one though I'm also of the opinion that Tabata's track record both before and afterwards especially doesn't help things at all on his side of it.

1 year ago

The 3rd Birthday. Only cause I can't score it a 0 does it get a .5....
Same! If I could somehow give it a negative score I would. Just totally despise that travesty it sucks so much.

1 year ago

Based MGS4 score.

I'd do something like this but I honestly don't put much thought into the scores I give. They're more emotional I guess, just based on how I feel at the time of writing the review and reflecting on the game. I think the best way I can explain it is like "how much do I want to replay this while talking about it." People off-site give me shit for giving out so many 2.5's but to me that's like, 50/50 good/bad.

Anyway, maybe I should put more thought into it. I think you back up what scores mean to you here pretty well and it's interesting to see someone's thought process in such a detailed way.
I'm the same way weatherby, plus i bump scores up and down all the time depending on how im feeling
@Weatherby Yeah it's one of those things where I'm not putting the heaviest stock into it either but I do like thinking about it from time to time so I can totally get people who don't want to or don't generally do this kinda thing.

Hell, sometimes my mood can shift around a game or how something has stuck with me over a long period of time (brought up Bullet Witch from a 2 to a 3 recently cause honestly even with all that games problems I love it so much for what it's trying to do).

Also yeah fuck MGS4! A few great moments and ideas can never cover whatever the fuck they were doing with the writing overall. Maybe one day I'll write a thing about it but that would require me to replay it again and I'm not ready to do that yet lmao.

1 year ago

I feel that way about every Kojima game. The writing is always abysmal XD

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