Utter chaos, I watched Samurai Goroh die ten times on Death Wind

This game really makes you feel like a burger

actually forgot I played this game lmao

its a bag of nothing, it remains forgotten

This justified my playtime on the Wii U, what a fun lil game that you can play, and move on from since most of it is either multiplayer, arcade-like, or needed that weird ass wii motion plus shit for some reason.

I grew up with this game, and it kicked my ass and tore me a new one, despite all of that, I fucking love this game.

Playing this game, I had my fun and it did provide a good challenge mega man is known to have, but idk, I didn't liked it as much as I wanted to. Atleast the music is some of the best I'm the classic series.

The newest in the series so far, and boy did it deliver the challenge mega man games are known to bring. However, this time that challenge is cranked up to eleven with the addition of the gear mechanic, allowing new puzzles and traps that have you utilizing the new mechanic, on top of the bosses themselves being a lot more challenging with their own usage of it. Aside from the ramped up difficulty, this game is still a blast to play, and likewise, would become more and more easier with every replay knowing the tricks and traps it throws at you.

Still Peak as ever, even now when playing with a friend on top of the many new content the game has gotten over the years

Sunbreak adds SOOO much to this game, it practically becomes a new game in itself. Playing this with a friend has been a blast, and the new monsters and Master Rank really puts your skills (and builds) to the test with these stronger monsters.

Also that final fight with Dracula Dragon was full on panic adrenaline mode, and I would love to experience that again.