31 reviews liked by Triniblex04

This game oozes so much pure virile red-blooded male energy that, after playing it, I can sell vials of my sweat to bodybuilders as a suitable substitute for steroids.

Hey remember when IGN gave this game a 3/10, tanking it?

Anyway, this is an incredible action game, with a lot of fun ideas that I haven't seen done elsewhere. This right stick is used to dodge, which gives you a lot of option when trying to move out of the way or cancelling your combos. Speaking of combos, your entire movelist is made by you! You select the moves and the order, which leds to different people having different playstyles! Personally, I like quick hits, with a big finisher, while others might prefer more powerful moves, or moves with a bigger range. There's still tons I haven't talked about, like the Roulette Wheel, funny story or great soundtrack! This game is incredible, highly recommend! (Though you might find one or two bosses have aged poorly)

this game is a must-play, it's really fun, unique and 2006 goofy. you can tell eveyone involved had tons of fun making it. with that being said, you can also tell that it was made with a low budget and with not that much time to balance it out in some aspects. here are some observations:

the game feels snappy and clunky at the same time. the controls can be awkward at times but overall the game systems are solid and building combos makes a lot of sense. in the last stretch of the game, there's a massive difficulty spike which is inconsistent with the difficulty of the last 3 bosses (the bosses are easier than the stages themselves).

i will be keeping this game ready to play as well becuase it's highly replayable. i urge you all to become Alexander the Great.

The fact we lost the chance to have Gene God Hand in a Marvel vs Capcom game is absolutely criminal. There is a lot I can say about God Hand but honestly this is a game where you really need to see to believe. Is it ballbustingly hard? Sure, but thats the true fun of it, its been quite awhile since I've felt this rewarded for getting better at a game's combat system. Everything flows quite nicely for the most part, a couple difficulty spikes withstanding, and the freedom you get for creating your own strings is a ton of fun. God Hand also has one of the most enjoyable Capcom OSTs to date, and that is one hell of a catalogue to be put up against.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get angry, but most of all, you'll dragon kick someone's ass into the Milky Way (milky wayyyy)

The essence of DMC. It never got more pure than this.

Tablos estaria orgulloso de este fangame.

Pero porfavor balanceen algunas peleas 😭en especial la de Zamas fusion y la de Jiren con el UI señal

This boxart tells you that the game has Rock Howard, B. Jenet, Terry Bogard, Tizoc, and Kim Kaphwan's son Kim Dong-Hwan.
Frankly if you're not sold by that point I'm not sure what to tell you...but what if I told you Kim has another son?