101 reviews liked by Trollkastell

ima be honest i’m only in this for the big breasted elf lady i saw in the fifth game

It's a game where you play as a Yellow Taxi that goes Vroom

Gaming will legitimately not peak higher than this

My fucking god! These bitches gay!
Good for them. Good for them.

I'm nearly 24 years old I'm a grown ass man and these basic logic and math keep fucking me up like I never evolved past the 3rd grade

I’ve said this a few times before but this time I am not joking. This is the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had. Hundreds of hours of solid build up, an amazing predecessor, all for this 100 hours of pure mouldy dick cheese.

I’m not even gonna tag spoilers because I genuinely hope I spoil you and put you off. Everybody you thought was dead, is still alive. Anybody that did die, alive. Anybody that was dead before the events of the first game, alive. Anybody that was evil, not actually evil they were just being controlled. Anybody that made a remotely bad choice in their life, it was the actions of some mystical dookie god fuck I hate this game oh my god

The game thinks it’s so much more mature and clever than it is, you have characters in these dire situations making decisions like 13 year olds it makes me physically sick. The only reason I picked up this entire franchise was because of the cover image of this game man I wanna die

Combat is so gas my favourite turn based system ever peaked here, Rean is gas too idgaf if I have to see Lloyd again after Reverie I’m ending it all

I sincerely believe everyone involved in the production deserves some form of punishment whether it be suspension from game development or jail time.

Thank you

if Rean was the key to all my possible futures I'd fucking kill myself!!!!

Pantagruel scene broke me. I'm so tired of this game's contrived bullshit to create stakes, I can't stand Rean's shitty melodrama anymore. The whole Cold Steel arc is just less than the sum of its parts.