I like the Horizon series better but I like replaying races to beat times on the Motorsport series.

Impossible to control arms. Extremely hard.

A stupid little puzzle game that is zany fun.

Action shooter from makers of Rick and Morty. Gameplay is fun but becomes very repetitive. A mixture of guns to use helps where it is not exactly the same. Games is crass but pretty funny at times. Loved all the little videos on the TVs.

HGTV simulator that is a nice game to pop in and off of here and there. Get to use creative juices and the sense of accomplishment. Not the best controls on console and the game gives very little at the beginning.

Clunky controls with little options. Was only fun for a little while.

Before it became a sport where players dedicated their lives to, this was a fantastic pong like game.

Great button mashing brawler. Music is on point and I love the turtles. These games are better on an arcade.

Enjoyed having worlds in an open world game. Loved that the choices and actions dictate how the game will go. Sometimes responses take turns that don't seem to connect with the response. So it can be random if your response is beneficial or not. Too many side quests where even those have side quests. Extremely hard at points. Ship travel is unnecessarily difficult. Love being able to steal most of any items.

Always wanted to be a delivery driver, doing GrubHub sucked but this fulfilled my dream. The plot is wild and unnerving. The world is unique but empty. The perils are amazing and figuring out how to best complete tasks was more fun than it should have been. With planning and constant inventory management this is the most "work" in a game I played. Unfortunately this is a huge time suck and not something you can have short sessions with.

Played for a few hours. Loved the cat & mouse of being trapped in the house. Also liked the escape room puzzles to advance. Visually hasn't been much to look at but the shadows and dark room keeps tensions high.

Fun little party game for the whole family. Controlling characters isn't great and matchmaking can ruin the fun.

More shooter action than sneaking puzzles.

Does a great job honoring the franchise. Wondering around looking at things and talking to people is the best part. Quests get old fast and story is passable but not great.