As a huge Marvel fan, I loved everything about this. As a gamer, I loved everything about this.

178 hours, 100%, and at the end I still had the volume cranked up. The effects and sound during combat are SO satisfying.

Unlocking heroes, cards, modifiers, and additional research gave a nice feeling of progression. Being able to bring your favorite heroes into battle is incredible, and they nailed the "feel" of each hero. Captain America is absolutely there to protect you and set you up however needed. Spiderman uses quick actions and environmental attacks to do his part...

The Abbey felt like home and this was surprisingly one of the "coziest" games I've ever played. It's raining outside and Dr. Strange is inside by the fire reading a book. Wolverine and Deadpool are having a drink at the bar. On my first playthrough I skipped zero dialogue, but I can see where that would weigh some people down; there is A LOT of it.

I'm a firm believer in "the right game at the right time", meaning X or Y isn't always a BAD game, it's just not a good fit for your mood/head space right now. Midnight Suns was the perfect game for me right now and if you like this type of game and are on the fence at all, I strongly encourage you to go for it!

Story is a little obscure, even with the notes. You get a good sense of what happened, but the why is a little more confusing. Still enjoyed my time. Quite linear despite the climbing aspect, but I didn't mind. Cozy game.

Another GamePass win. I just finished a long 180 hour RPG and was looking for some action, and boy did I find it in Hi-Fi Rush.

Dripping with style and fantastic art, this action rhythm game is a unique blend that works extremely well. They do a good job of drip-feeding you the next power without overwhelming you.

It wasn't until near the end that it all came together for me, and the last 2-3 levels were an incredible joy. I felt so powerful and truly felt like I was playing a rhythm game as much as an action game.

There are all sorts of post-game ways to play, but for me there are too many games out there and GamePass allows me to play and beat a game without feeling guilty for not completely exhausting it. I enjoyed my ~10-12 hours here, and am happy to move on to the next adventure.

Addicting gameplay loop! I played on PC and had zero issues. No bugs, no save corruption, nothing.

In the past few months I put in around 180 hours on BG3 and didn't think I'd have it in me to play another long game. Wartales didn't give me a choice - it's one of the most addicting games I've played in a long time.

Definitely play on region-locked and expert / expert. Once you get over the initial difficulty, you'll be glad you did.

Automatically compared to STS and Monster Train, and rightfully so as they're the frontrunners in the genre. Is this as good as those? Perhaps not, but I think it does a lot of things very well and is worth your time if you're looking for another roguelike deckbuilder.

Cool combination of "deck builder" and puzzle game. A nice change of pace from all of the STS clones out there.

So many games out there trying to cash in on franchise popularity and MOST of them are pretty bad. With the very disappointing recent release of Marvel's Avengers, I was skeptical going in.

What I found was an absolutely enjoyable single player, on rails, narrative-based experience. I really felt like I was a part of the crew, and the interactions between each is a ton of fun. Constantly busting each other's balls, but they also truly care for each other. Drax one-liners had me laughing out loud in the middle of combat.

Not much replayability, but who cares? Not every game has to be filled with fluff to stretch the gameplay to 50+ hours. Highly recommended!