Gameplay is honestly slightly worse than Bayo 2's.
Plot makes zero sense and the ending is probably one of the worst i've seen.
See you in Bayonetta 4 where none of your favorite characters exist and the annoying child character is the star, everybody.

Oh god I can't rebind my buttons what the fuck is this cursed ass game.
If Melty is played in bathrooms this shit must be played in fucking porta-potties what in the god damn shit IS THIS?

Game is okay. Art Style is nice but the game was effectively abandoned almost as soon as it came out and now we got another 3rd strike clone on the way that I hope doesn't suffer the same fate. Feel like the game is too clone heavy since the roster is so small it makes it feel even smaller. Game has a surprisingly fleshed out Mizuumi entry for everyone except Azure and Aja. Get fucked Azure and Aja mains, I guess.

This pc port kinda fucked.
Bring back Ky's HS color.
Also why does this game look so much cleaner than Plus R? Like you boot up Plus R that game looks rough as fuck but here everything looks super clean the presentation is top notch like Millia's stage in this game is gorgeous what the fuck.

Bring back Blood Splatter, btw.

I found myself enjoying my time whenever I wasn't doing anything that had to do with the mission tab in my phone. so basically fucking around in the open world and doing side shit was an infinitely more positive experience than playing the main content. The main content is so aggressively bad since the writing and dialogue is so in love with itself that it doesn't realize how abhorrent it is. It doesn't help that the main missions are very rigid and allow for very little experimentation and freeform playing. Inherits the worst bits of GTA in that design philosophy.

You'd think that in a franchise where the main selling points is that it's basically GTA with character creation that the character creator would be good and not constantly glitch out and reset the colors of my clothes or put me in clothes I was never wearing out of nowhere with no warning.

Also the problems with my weapons sometimes just vanishing from my weapon wheel or driving around and suddenly shooting into the stratosphere from just slightly driving into a curb at the wrong angle.

The final hour of this game is where you see the rushed nature of this product the most where your characters dialogue will come out a few seconds before the model says it, a boss fight that you can easily get stunlocked and die in through no real fault of your own, and the final QTE segment glitching out when you shoot Nahualli and his model freaks the fuck out, T-posing and then awkwardly standing there as what I assume should be the animation of him crumpling over to the ground would be.

Saints Row is kinda dead, boys. It's time to hang it up.

Demo Thoughts: Okay so I've only played 2 of these games and came to the conclusion that this series is not good. And while I expected nothing from this game when I heard it got announced (still don't really) I was surprised to find out that the combat is...slightly better than the last game. Combat is still very stiff and easily exploitable by running away from encounters and coming back with a surprise attack by flying in on your foes. The exploration is actually kinda fun though even if that is also clunky and stiff in its own right. But this game is definitely gonna need something more than flying all over for chests and crystals to justify the existence of these large ass barren fields with next to nothing to do in them. Also this game is optimized like garbage on base PS4 please help me I'm dying.

Game becomes a tedious grind the farther in you get. Fun immediately halts when fighting a Mobile Armor, and the game will tend to throw them at you pretty frequently later on. Not very good.

Demo Thoughts: Combat is very stiff, the art style is not pleasant to the eyes. Either pick hyper realism or hyper stylization they are not meshing well. Why does everything have a super bold outline? Also the game drops frames super hard on base PS4 I can feel this system getting phased out more and more with each new release.

Full Game: I'm gonna put this on hold until I acquire a PS5 this game is fucking abysmal on base ps4.

8/5/2023: I have finally gotten around to playing it and holy shit this game fucking sucks. Imagine any action game mechanic in any slightly decent to great game in the genre and this game has it. At best the mechanic will just function and at worse it's just handled worse than the game it took it from. The game has like no sense of feedback in anything going on and the stiffness of everything does not help.

I should feel like a flowing goddess of the battlefield but I feel more like a runaway freight train because you cannot cancel any animation at all which is literally action game 101 so you have to commit to long recovery frames of every action you ever take. This feels like a mid-2000's action game from the ps2 era displaced by time.

This is also the ONLY game I've seen somehow fuck up the concept of the enemy flashing red and attacking you with a strong unblockable attack. The flash gets lost in the cacophony of the battles due to how the game will just become unintelligible non-sense between you, your Einherjar, and your enemies doing shit that when these attacks hit you it never feels like you fucked up. Probably because in literally every game i've played that has this in it (which is most fucking action games by the way) it's also accompanied by a loud ass distinctive sound cue to give you an even bigger warning but this game DOES NOT HAVE THAT. Accompanied with the fact this game commits the cardinal sin of enemies being able to attack you from off screen, this is maddeningly annoying combination to deal with. Enemies will just have no tells half the time because the animation work is so poor on everything going on. Either enemies will have a weirdly animated wind up attack that will suddenly get unrealistically fast, fucking up your defense, or so fast you have no time to react and they just get to combo you (this is what the wolves do all the time). Also ain't it grand that enemies get to combo you for free but if you try to attack them they can just spam a backstep/sidestep that is 100% invulnerable until they feel safe from you and just get to drop out of your combos and hit you because you can't cancel any of your animations? It's like fighting the shittier Tales of Vesperia bosses but it's literally EVERY enemy.

"Oh but Tuck why don't you have the arts bar to stun them like the game wants you to?"



Another thing that pisses me off is that this game somehow also fucks up execution attacks, which is another thing that even the most shallow of spectacle action games get right. The game is super fucking finnicky about what criteria you need to execute it.

Is the enemy like a fucking centimeter off the ground? Can't do it.
Slightly higher on a hill even though you're right next to it? Eh try it maybe it'll work. Coin toss, really.
Standing perfectly still (which is the most consistent way to pull it off without the game having a stroke) eh maybe coin toss that one too.

Not a single soul working on this game knew what the fuck they were doing when making it.

This game is impressively bad.

Demo Thoughts: I got to the combat and said "yeah I think im gonna pass."

"Ay bruh what if we added arbitrary RPG classes to characters and thus making some aspects of their move set utterly pointless in 1v1's?"
"Lmao sounds good to me, bruh."

The return of Gore Magala does not sway me in the slightest this is mid.

It's okay for what it is.
Taunt is horribly balanced breezed through Story and Arcade basically abusing it because it gives you free super outside of encounters instead of rewarding you during combat.
Game feels good but also stiff in some places. Cheap hits from off screen happens frequent enough to be a slight annoyance. But game is fun.
April is still hot.

The lifeless dead eyes of these moving dolls will haunt my dreams forever.

You ever play a sequel to a game and then go back to play the first game and see how utterly better the sequel is?
Yeah that's how I feel about Chimp Abscond.

I don't know what it is about this game but the second I boot it up and kill like two groups of enemies I can't find it in me to keep playing. I don't know why it loses my interest so quickly. I don't hate the game it just does nothing for me. Which is weird because I played through both Nioh's to completion and while I'm not really a huge fan of those games they kept my interest until the ending.

Update: I went back to it and I kinda got sick of every late game mook destroying my posture and health in like 1-2 hits so I'm probably not gonna come back to this game for a long ass time. I learned that this game hates it when you play aggressive in any capacity because very often I find myself pressing the attack button just once and getting bad rng with the enemies pulling out their fast high damage unblockables while im stuck in attack animations. But then I played passive and tried doing parry-counter attacking and the enemies just stopped caring about hit-stun or any sort of strategy and just destroy me for being patient as well. I don't think I fought a single memorable boss up to this point so I'm probably just gonna say this game is a worse Nioh in terms of gameplay but also kept the bad loot system that those games have so it just becomes the worst version of Nioh possible.

No amount of meme power can bring me back in the near future.