A criminally overlooked and underappreciated gem in Insomniacs decorated catalog of games. This Jet set radio meets Tony hawks meets ratchet & clank hybrid is set in a colourful apocalyptic open world thats oozes with charm, witty jokes and enough pop culture references for any lover of cult movies from the 80's/90's. In ways, I feel like the games humour and references were custom built for my enjoyment. For crying out loud there is a gun that shoots vinyl records called High Fidelity and a Bowling ball cannon launcher called The Dude. Don't sleep on one of the most fun open worlds to explore and play in in recent memory.

A great new take on the resident Evil franchise which was starting to get really stale with the action heavy focus that begun with 4. The first person perspective and haunting backwoods setting really amps up the horror that was missing in 5 & 6 as does its emphasis on fewer combat encounters and building atmosphere and tension. I havent played the DLC but it doesnt quite land the ending the way it wants to and the final boss encounter is a bit lackluster. But overall, a great new direction for a classic series and a fantastic survival horror game in its own right.

A perfect refinement of a near perfect JRPG. The additional semesters completely alters the story in unpredictable ways and makes the end result an even more satisfying journey. Never has a JRPG felt as modern, cutting edge and as stylish as this entry in the brilliant series. By the time the end credits rolled you will care deeply about many of the games characters more than you did in the original version. The combat and quality of life tweaks enhance the experience and make this all consuming game feel less daunting over its 100+ hour game time. Its such a brilliant game and story I would recommend this to even the most stubborn gamer who hates JRPG and turn based battle systems. This is the game to win them over.

The story stumbles and some of the social commentary can be ham fisted but by the time you reach the credits you will have hopefully been enriched with this cool coming of age road trip story of two brothers on the run. Fans of the series will also get some cool fan service moments if you have invested in previous games in the series.

A game that has aged surprisingly well with its cover based shooter gameplay still rarely been bested. Its penchant for brutal gore and fun weaponry make for an entertaining campaign even if the dialogue and story can be cringe even amongst other bro shooters.

Despite being a shorter and less ambitious story than PS4's Spider-Man, this is the perfect companion piece to the original game. Focusing the game on Miles and making it a more grounded story in Brooklyn gives this game so much more charm than the original and its so great to see so many different characters of all ethnicities and backgrounds represented and given centre stage. the game runs so silk smooth and looks beautiful even for a launch game whilst Miles extra abilities add new dimensions to an already fun combat system.