Simple and funny hidden object/adventure game.

Only the best FPS to come out in the last decade. Prepare for titanfall.

Great game to relax with, while providing a ceiling for real challenge and strategy. Tons of levels to offer variety to the gameplay

A very charming hidden object game where you explore various 3D environments and the scenes within. I really love games that allow you to explore tiny diorama's of places, and I Am Dead checks all the boxes. Very mild paced gamed, I really enjoyed playing this in bed and relaxing on the couch.

Fun and simple hidden object game. Definitely worth playing the first, and then this if you'd like more of that. Would be fun to play with someone else as well.

Fantastic 3rd person action. Through your X-files, SCP, and conspiracy/cryptid fandom together with some psychic powers and here ya go. Eager to return for another playthrough someday.

My first foray into the Yakuza series. Fun way to kick off the year. Eager to get into the many sequels (and prequel) in the future. Kiryu-Chan!

Super cute interactive narrative game. Sort of like a on-rails conversation sim. You have a variety of comedic ways to respond to other characters as you walk about your corporate office. The chapters make it easy to enjoy in short bursts.

40 hours in, only have 1 psychic trooper and I don't feel like grinding for anymore. May pickup in the future, may (probably) will start Xcom2 sooner than that. Still a great game.

Played for the thermite gun, which kicks ass.

Finished Route A. Will get to route B at a later date.

Stay away. This game performs like old garbage. Should have never been released to market.

Solid isometric run and gun type game. Little repetitive towards the end, but a literally blast to play. Worth checking out.