A fun and fast platformer. The art on this really holds up, just stunning. Feels good to go fast in this game. Definitely worth checking out.

Conceptually fun exploration/dungeon adventure game. I really enjoyed the different areas throughout. The final boss really drew me out of the game in the long run. Could have done with a option to skip a mechanically contrived fight, I kept getting stuck on a seemingly pixel-perfect accurate section of the final fight. In the end I decided to claim victory by uninstalling the game and moving on. Still enjoyed the game up until that final moment.


Fantastic adventure game. Cute characters, charming music, and great art aesthetic frame this title perfectly. A moderate challenge that unfolds as you play, rather than demanding too much attention. Nice length. Feels good to play.

I really wanted to enjoy this game, but it's practically unplayable. Totally flat combat, where you are fighting the controls while trying to discern what you can even attack onscreen. I gave this game a little over three or so hours and just can't do it anymore. There's an idea here, but the mechanics are so muddled it makes a potentially fun experience nothing more than frustrating.

Awesome little explore and graffiti game. Lurk around a bunch of cool little environments, talk to weird characters, catch tags. Good stuff.

Gorgeous and relaxing point and click puzzle adventure. The game itself is a series of motifs, spread between one to four panels. By exploring these spaces, you remake the images and compositions discovered to progress through the game. Easy to finish in less than a couple of hours. Would absolutely recommend checking this out.


A fun adventure/puzzle game, where you literally control the layout of the world around you. Brilliantly done. A charming and intriguing adventure worth your time.

Awesome side scrolling finger flicking action. Once you get a handle of the mechanics you can really get into a nice flow. A super fun take in the skateboarding genre.

Very chill "golf" (ball goes in hole) puzzle game using isometric geometry, a limited number of moves per level, and simple mechanics that compound throughout the game. Really enjoyed finishing all 121 levels. Satisfying to pick up and put down when stumped for a bit.

My first adult FromSoftware experience. Oh, yes... Paleblood...

"Only in truth the lords will abandon their thrones and the unkindled will rise. Nameless accursed undead, unfit even to be cinder. And so it is, that ash seeketh embers."

Stay away. This game performs like old garbage. Should have never been released to market.

Solid isometric run and gun type game. Little repetitive towards the end, but a literally blast to play. Worth checking out.

Played for the thermite gun, which kicks ass.