I dont usually like turned based mechanics but this game made me want to put an effort.

wish they didn't ramble so much and wouldnt make me go trough hours of text i dont really care much about

Danganronpa games aren't fun to play, but I did have fun in the end

this game was so hard to play.. you really have to be committed

This dlc gives the New Horizons players a bit more content and helps to restore the initial hype of creating things and getting things done.

I want Nintendo to make a new Animal Crossing game that keeps all of the features and content of this game so new players can enjoy how amazing this game is.
This game has a special place in my heart being one of the only things I actually enjoyed when I was going through a low point in my life.
HIGHLY recommend ANYONE to give it a go. Take a few minutes of your day to just do the daily things. I PROMISE you , you won't feel pressured to know how to decor, like in New Horizons, neither you will feel like there's nothing to do after a few days.

I used to believe anyone would be able to enjoy this game but if you're a person who doesn't care about having endless ways of decorating and world building because it overwhelms you or you just lack creativity, this wont be for you.
If you want to enjoy an Animal Crossing game without feeling that pressure try New Leaf.

as much as I hate fujoshis and yaoi ...
this game had actually a good world building and story so..

check trigger warnings for it before playing btw


dont play if youre a minor
anyways play it on pc as a dressup game :P

this game was the only thing that made my lazy 11 year old ass do some exercise without realizing

there used to be quiz's and i would play them with friends to test out the strength of our friendship