27 Reviews liked by UncleH

Unique RPG with real thought behind it, not the usual cliché RPG story, and the ability to do a pacifist run is so cool, not other RPG has ever had that option.

It gets pretty dark and weird towards the end, and there's some great characters and funny dialogue.

Just a unique cool experience.

What a great surprise this was, heard rave reviews when it came out on PC, so bought it as soon as it hit consoles and was not disappointed. Addictive, deep, tough but not too hard, great story....I loved all of it. What a weird brilliant little indie.

Only thing I didn't do was complete Kaycee Mod, which was just too grindy and frustrating. main game though was pretty much flawless.

My almost 60-year-old dad still quotes it to this day, and he can't even remember the names of friends I've known for over a decade

I wasn't convinced by the procedurally-generated levels thing at first but it turns out to be ridiculously fun. Only gripe with it is that it becomes waaaaay too much in the post-game, too unforgiving.

I think I developed a dopamine addiction.

Speed go up, game quality go down.

A mostly solid title thats basic idea of "2D Sonic but REAL fast" is followed up on via the Sonic Rush series. Great level aesthetics and, at the time, an unmatched sense of speed, even for the series in question, are sadly let down by some of the most aggravating level design and special stage acquisition of the entire series.

Greatest love story ever told.

This game is pretty good and then the flute puzzles happen.

Fun game, REAAAAALLY bad story even when you know context from the previous (aka Parasite Eve) games

I was a stupid kid when I played this, the only thing I remember doing was messing with the guards and laughing my ass off

hotline miami+rogue+souls combat= kino game

Story: One of the worst shits i've ever played, has no sense and Aya's character got ruined
Gameplay: One of the most fun shits i've ever played