The game that started it all. For a 1987 NES game it holds up surprisingly well.

Improves on the first game in every way. With that said FUCK WILY STAGE 4!!!

The eight robot masters are overall better than 2. Then there’s Doc Robot and the easiest Wily Castle in the series.

Easily the best of the NES sextology. Has the most balanced selection of weapons and strikes the right balance of difficulty.

After Mega Man 4 this one was kind of a disappointment. This is the only game in the classic series I don’t particularly care for.

Much better than Mega Man 5 and quite the swan song for the NES Mega Man games.

Yeah, it revolutionized 3D gaming. Yeah, it’s a classic. But let’s face it. 28 years later, this game shows its age.

This might be one of the best games of all time. And I’m saying that as someone who didn’t grow up playing it. I played Galaxy 2 first, but this still blew me away.

New Super Mario Bros. 2 is a game that exists.

Bring this game to the Switch already!!!