I thought I'd love this but it just fell short. A little empty and the sound design started off enjoyable but got tiresome after about 10 minutes of playing

90% of this game is great. Combat feels great and executing uruks is incredibly fun. The ending however????? Insanely underwhelming and feels extremely sequel-baity.

It's well made, a booping soundtrack but leaves you feeling a little underwhelmed by its short length and easy difficulty. Easy enough to 100% and the DLC adds some challenge but nothing to keep me coming back again and again

If they fix the connection issues, this game is fantastic. Range of gamemodes keep it fresh and the main game modes still have the chaotic painting style of the previous games in the series. But please Nintendo fix your servers and online play. I don't wanna be constantly DC'ed whilst using an ethernet cable.

Having not played the original I can’t really comment on the remake status but it’s enjoyable. The art style is cute and the soundtrack is wonderful. The story is alright, doesn’t drag out too much. Whilst there’s a lot of times I was unsure what to do/ where to go, using the telephones helped a lot but not all the time. Still good fun and a worthwhile addition to the switch library!

this game puts me in a trance that hypnotists wish they could achieve

its a fun game with a delightful artstyle which made me not realise it was 2 am

Fully get why this is regarded a must play for most people. Had a bunch of fun but honestly wished it was a touch longer, it ended before i really felt super immersed.

I liked the people i played the game with more than the game itself tbf

Kicked the shit out of me but my god I loved it. Art style beautiful. Music beautiful. Satisfaction of beating a level, unrivalled. I beat the final boss without getting hit (like 3rd attempt) and that's my one and only flex in life


Sweet game with charming visuals and phenomenal sound design. Getting all the achievements is worth it, lots of hunting down bits and bobs

The story, the setting, the game design all wonderful but it felt unbelievably clunky at times with the combat which just got a bit annoying (locked into a combo then someone comes in and only way is to counter so get hit). No real desire to go and 100% it tbh but huge amount of collectables was a nice touch and easy was to get xp

I didnt enjoy this as much as I hoped to. Whilst visually very pleasing and an awesome soundtrack I couldn’t care less about the story and the combat just felt sluggish yet speedy at the same time. The ‘map’ didn’t really help just giving a general position. Very much felt like there’s no help in the game, almost like here you go just play the game now.