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WaffulSyrup reviewed Sonic Lost World
I don't think I've ever played a Sonic game that both annoyed and bored me, but Sonic Lost World finally took the cake! What were they on when making it.

Sonic just feels bad. He's stiff, and his momentum/mobility just shuts down whenever you homing attack enemies, bounce, etc. The parkour system is such a neat idea in concept but in execution its so clunkily implemented with the blocky level design not really accounting for it well. It's even worse with the 2D sections because with the run button, the parkour mechanics trigger the moment Sonic touches walls, it's like he's magnetic. This also applies to the 3D sections. The gimmick stages are 100% Mario imitation, bosses are boringly easy/annoying, the writing is so bad it's good, level and world theming is pretty damn uninspired.

Really, the only thing keeping this from me giving it a single star is the music. The music is great. But that's really it. Fuck this game.

3 hrs ago

3 hrs ago

WaffulSyrup finished Sonic Lost World
I don't think I've ever played a Sonic game that both annoyed and bored me, but Sonic Lost World finally took the cake! What were they on when making it.

Sonic just feels bad. He's stiff, and his momentum/mobility just shuts down whenever you homing attack enemies, bounce, etc. The parkour system is such a neat idea in concept but in execution its so clunkily implemented with the blocky level design not really accounting for it well. It's even worse with the 2D sections because with the run button, the parkour mechanics trigger the moment Sonic touches walls, it's like he's magnetic. This also applies to the 3D sections. The gimmick stages are 100% Mario imitation, bosses are boringly easy/annoying, the writing is so bad it's good, level and world theming is pretty damn uninspired.

Really, the only thing keeping this from me giving it a single star is the music. The music is great. But that's really it. Fuck this game.

3 hrs ago

RinoDino finished TwinBee
TwinBee is a game that I've heard in passing before, and I decided to try it out since I got the Konami Arcade Classics Collection.

Compared to many other on-rails shooters, it's a very colorful game! The music is generally up-beat and catchy, and the designs of the enemies are mostly cute.

While you're always flying in the skies, there will be enemies trying to stop you on both the air and the ground. Because of this, you have access to beams and bombs, kinda like Scramble, but more functional.

The game got pretty hard by the half-way point though, to the point that, if I ever play it again, I won't try to get as far as I did. Like many arcade titles, it loops infinitely, so I stopped after I beat Stage 6.

Overall, TwinBee is a solid on-rails shooter for the time, and it's more unique presentation helps it stand out from others of the same genre.

4 hrs ago

RinoDino finished Scramble
Scramble is definitely a game that exists.
Considering it came out in 1981, it may've been impressive for the time, but the game itself feels very... unfulfilling.

You can't really go forward much, and the ship controls very slowly. You can shoot your normal beam and you can drop bombs. Problem is, sometimes my shots miss and the bombs land farther than you want, and it's quite difficult to plan the bomb's landing ahead.

There is no soundtrack, and the sound effects are there. The graphics are simple, but for the era they probably looked decent. Although, considering this came out in the same year as the original Donkey Kong, I feel like Scramble doesn't age as well as that one.

I am glad I got to play Scramble, mainly to see one of Konami's earlier games, but besides that, it's a very unremarkable game.

4 hrs ago

6 hrs ago

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