this is me when i show MY hole

good music

nostalgia review, havent played in current day

i like sir trash a lot or what ever his name is.

nostalgia review, havent played in current day

nostalgia review, havent played in current day

fun body thrower with some stick fiddling in between

never got to finish the game because i had a scratched cd that wouldnt let me go to the boat or whatever is over there

based off the demo disc i had as a kid. half of the demo was this, the other half was a racing game i dont remember the name of.

this review should not be taken in consideration at all because i probably only played the first hour of the game and i dont even remember it. i have not played in the current day and this rating is not liable of any criticism of the game.

nostalgia review, havent played in current day

fun arena with cool mech(anic)s :3

shu, please make more IPs....

great puzzle game from a jackass (buy on sale, or dont "buy it" at all)