why is turbo so fucking fat bro

this was a cock of a game

incredible ending

this presentation is fucking incredible. definitely put this dev in my interests after playing this.

genuinely one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard in my life: https://youtu.be/vrSvf_NQs3Q?si=rwd44AZwb9VDo-0L

cool but need more cahr4acter

first 14 hours of the game are meh(story wise) but the last 6 are kinda cool

sidenote: I am wholeheartedly in love with diana

peak jsr

maybe yakuza ruined side missions/mini games for me because i wanted some of those in this game too. the only real thing to do is the main missions, get a new character and do the combo challenges.

im so stupid that i became a racist communist with capitalist tendencies while telling my co worker that i dont see race. the game acknowledged it and gave me an achievement saying i dont know what im doing.

this is what deltarune 1 felt like when it first came out. now this is out so dr 1 is lower

fun when i was a kid with no internet and no imagination, not anymore

i might get crucified for this but i did not like the gameplay. the gimmick got old very fast to me. i did not like the feeling of having to stand still and spam A or D to slowly inch your way out of a bullets pathing.
it was frustrating to have to play a 2 minute level more than once because the level was actually 10 seconds but was spread over time, you make one mistake and you have to do it all over again.

i have plenty more negative to say about this game but ill end on something positive

cool artstyle, actual interesting story. the levels with hazards were some of the most fun: running from a truck, dodging a car and dodging a train tunnel arch.
i feel like these levels could be there own game and i might enjoy it more.
not a bad game per se, just not my thing i guess. or maybe i just suck at the game, who knows.

easy 3 min casual puzzle game, and then you destory a universe