Thank you Sakurai

Also Sora is in Smash 🙂

What a game. It’s a game that changed my life and that I hold closely to my heart, and it’s one of the best gaming experiences of my life. When I make a channel I want to make a larger review on this but for now just know it’s one of my favorite games of all time.

It was nice to replay this masterpiece. By limiting Mario’s move set, in my opinion it raises the challenge in a good way and makes the play think how they are going to approach each level. And the levels are more inspired that most in the series. I also think this was a great fit for the Wii, as the use of the WiiMote wasn’t totally frustrating. Overall, this is one of the best games of all time.

I want to say so much but I don’t really have the time. I came into this game already hating it but I slowly grew from despising everything about this game to finding a new love for it as the game got better. It’s far from perfect but I love it.

Final Score: 7.5/10

Great game that I thouroughly enjoyed.

One of the best Lego games.

A really great game despite its flaws

Masterpiece. No other way to put it.