This game is real simple, but its really heartfelt, and it's a great love letter the devs made to their home while also making a game that is fun to explore, wich is exactly what they were probably going for, so I'd say this game earns itself pretty well (9/10)

Although this is the usual Ubisoft shit, I actually quite enjoyed it but just accepting that and playing to shoot things, and watch the (honestly pretty engaging) story. It's a "Far Cry" from the best game ever but I enjoyed it. (6.5/10)

One of the best spider-man stories ever told, wich is really something because the two SM video games before this probably had some of the worst stories, and SM games have never really been known for their stories. But this game is different and this game delivers one of the best spider-man stories I've experienced. The gameplay is truly fun. although I wouldn't call the swinging mechanics the best we've had, I feel it strikes a good enough balance between control and the spectacle of it all. But the combat is truly great, although some may call it simplistic, you truly have to put your own creativity into the tools the game gives you to make it as good as it can be, and it can be really fun. playing this game on the hardest difficulty truly shows that in my opinion. (although you should play it regularly first to get the hang of it) but yeah, it might not have all the best versions of the elements that make a great spider-man game, but the mixture of it all makes this my favorite spider-man game and one of my favorite games of all time. (10/10)

I only need two words to explain why this is one of my favorite games, "Dumb Fun" (10/10)

I wasn't usually a turn-based combat guy before this game, but this game's stylish presentation made me appreciate this type of gameplay I never really thought I did, and for that, I'm grateful to this game already. BUT! This game truly rocks on all fronts, the story takes you around and around and has so much heart put into all of the characters of the games, whether they be in your party or not. And the fact that developing relationships in the real life, effects the palace gameplay makes every step you take to spend time with the characters even more rewarding, because even if you didn't get the gameplay rewards for doing so, these characters are just so loveable that in my opinion, hanging out with them would've been enough. This game's visual style is also phenomenal and truly puts you into the mindset and the world of these characters. this game took up my life for like a whole week, and I don't regret that week. this game has one of the only games I've fallen asleep while playing, and not cuz I was bored, but because I didn't wanna stop. I love this game so much and after I beat it, it instantly became one of my favorite games of all time. (haru best girl btw) (10/10)

This game was very short but I feel that it earns as much as time as it needs. The art direction is beautiful and the message and theme of the game (while very apparent) is a great one. Now that gameplay is basically a 2.5D walking and sometimes jumping sim (wouldn't call it platforming) with VERY easy rhythm following games throughout, but just going through the motions of it felt like enough for me. It was just a good time throughout and watch this small story unfold. (8/10)

THIS GAMES WORLD MAN! Although it might've not been all it was cracked up to be for a lot of people, going in with those expectations of disappointment gave me a pair of lenses, not many people looked at the game with. And that all lead to a much better experience for me. The story was very engaging throughout and I was always excited to see where it would take me. The gameplay (with updates) felt fluid mostly even with the jankyness still kinda being there, although it is made up for with the variety of styles you can play. It is truly a great RPG game as well, it's a very fun experience engrossing yourself in the world of night city. So if you are looking at this review and want to play, I suggest trying to immerse yourself into the experience as best you can. (9.5/10)

Truly a great experience from start to finish, one of the best stories I've ever seen in a game. and although some of the gameplay aspects of the game may feel a bit lacking, the immersion and journey you go on with this gang of characters make up for all of it in my eyes. Arthur Morgan is one of the best-developed characters in a game that I've seen and his arc through the game is truly something to be marveled at as a storyteller. One of the best gaming experiences I've had. (10/10)

I know this isn't the best game ever objectively, but my reviews are not based on objectivity. This game is nostalgic for me in many ways, and (besides framerate issues) I feel it holds up very well today. But for me the traversal mechanics are what really makes this game so much fun for me, it's the perfect amount of limited while also being fast, and slow where it needs to be. I also feel that the combat is excellent, and using all the powers of Cole always feels fun and enjoyable. And of course I couldn't forget about this games wonderful story, it feels very ballsy in a lot of ways weather you go the evil or good path, and just has so much DAMN heart put into it. (especially for a game about a gravley voice bald dude with superpowers) The relationship between Cole and his best friend Zeke feels real and develops to a very interesting point by the end of the game. Although the first game is also amazing I feel that this game takes all the aspects of it and makes it better. And with that, a little bit of nostalgia, an engaging story, and AMAZING gameplay, Im proud to call this my favorite game of all time. (10/10)

Truly a nostalgic game for me, though it can show some real jank, especially on PC, and Wii, I played on PS3, and even with it being a tie-in game, I feel its a great kids' game and it still holds a special place in my heart. (7.5/10)

Truly my #1 comfort game and is a very relaxing, engaging, and fun experience every time I jump back in (even if I'm not very good at the game) (9/10)