This was just such a fun time all the way through, this game's world and especially the characters are so fun. The levels are so well designed and really feel like a fever dream someone would have in their head. Also the combat was honestly not to bad either with a lot of variety on how you tackle enemies surprisingly. The concept and execution of the story really make you feel like you're experiencing an animated kids' film. It's also just really funny. I am a huge fan of this game and cant wait to play the sequel! (9/10)

just a plain and simple fun game. this a perfect example of what the era of late 360/PS3 games were capable of in style and fun. The RTS mechanics were a bit of a weird addition but I found it fun as the main mechanic anyway. and the missions in between those worlds were really fun to, even if their simple. But what really carried this game was its style. the whole mantra of everything has to look like a metal album cover works wonders on this game's world. it also has an amazing sense of scale that puts its game world up there in some of my favorites. overall very fun and stylish game. (9/10)

this is a fun game, the horror is really good (I jumped multiple times) even if the horror kinda slows down half way through for more survival action focus. and the gameplay lends itself to those elements of horror well to with is precise aiming controls and zombies moving a lot. the sad truth is though, I think I generally don't like the game as much as other people. I still think its a great game and I enjoyed my time with it, but I just am to say the least kinda stupid and I didn't like the puzzles. still, overall very solid game that I enjoyed. (8/10)

Everything I said about spider-man ps4, with even better gameplay but a bit less of a good story (still a great story). But I'm confident that SM 2 will knock SM and SM: MM out of the park. (9.5/10)

A VERY fun game with some good ol' needless gore and destruction. Also the story is much better than I thought. I was pretty engaged throughout and I was actual y pretty intiged by the storyline. But, again, the gameplay
is where the game rally shines. Combat and traversal are both fun in their own ways and it just makes for a fun time. Allthough some missions were pretty tedious, and I didn't like how some of them de-insetivised using your powers, This is still a really solid and fun game overall. (8/10)

I love the horror esthetic of it all with a very cool ending that left enough open for a sequel. This game gives just that right amount of childlike uncanny horror, It's a great game. (8/10)

Killer Vibe Murder Mystery. Never seen the vaporware astetic done better in a game than in this one. It's astetic also serves the story of it all well. Everything feels just off enough to get entangled into the world of this story. From the start you can tell something is wrong. Although the gameplay might be slow for some and the vibe might not be for everyone, for me it was enough to get me hooked on this game while playing l. Unraveling this conspiracy was a joy to figure out and do and I can't wait to play more murder mystery games after this one. (9/10)

I don't really wanna continue with this one, it feels very samey. I would've enjoyed 8 hours in the first game rather than 4 for each. It feels like after SM 1 Activision tried to do it again but without the proper time or innovation. It just feels underwealming (3.5/10)

I loved persona 5. So I was able to get through this game cuz of the characters and astetics and stuff which are about just as good here as they are in the original. Although it might've been just a me thing, I could not get into the groove of the gameplay for this game. It was enjoyable at parts but mostly it kind felt like everything was a damage sponge and that was kinda annoying. Maybe I was doing something wrong, I even switched to easy to see if it made it more enjoyable but nope. I really wanted to like the gameplay but I'd always end up just eagerly waiting for the next dialogue scene. Now I still overall enjoyed the experience, I even really liked the story for this one which I've heard some people dont, but the fact the gameplay was so tedious for me I gotta give it more of a personal rating. (6/10)

Dude this game is just so fun and bouncy. I absolutely love the cartooniness and cuteness of it all. The style truly feels like your in a 3D cartoon and going through these wacky scenarios and talking to these fun characters. The gameplay is top notch to, one of the most fluid 3D platformer I have played and it's just SO MUCH FUN throughout. Overall Amazing game that you should definitely play on your lifetime. (I plan on replaying it one day) (9/10)

A cinematic linear experience I've looked for in games recently. Although I do love the open ended nature lots of games have taken on today, a nice linear level based game like this was just a joy to play. The "gimmick" of the game (The Rifts and Dimension Travel) is one of the best uses of hardware I've seen for gimmicky mechanics like this. It doesn't feel like it was shoved in there, you can tell that the devs heard what the PS5 could do, and built around that. The graphics are absolutely gorgeous with awesome future astetics which I have said before is some of my favorite kind of themeing and astetics. The gameplay is fun as hell and fluid as butter and I really just love it so much. Also a very fun platinum to complete. Overall amazing game. (9/10)

Although I thought some enemies and bosses were very annoying to deal with and tedious instead of just hard, this is still a charming and cheesy Spider-Man romp I enjoyed throughout. I even think that the combat controls hold up pretty well. I also loved the cheesy story and dialogue because it just adds a lot to the charm to Spidey when he is just... very cheesy. Anyway, fun time overall and definitely deserved classic status. (7.5/10)

A classic lego experience that might have gotten really annoying and tedious a bit on the last episode. But overall was a good fun lego game. Also I haven't watched any of the films but I was still able to enjoy this game anyways. (8/10)

An at first happy-go-lucky fun little game, that then smacks you across the face with a meaningful story and message that puts a whole new spin on every experience you've had with the game so far. This game was very fun and very colorful ( which I like ). The music was also very nice. Just a solid game overall. (8.5/10)

A beautiful story wrapped up in a beautiful pixel and hand-drawn style with amazing platforming mechanics and wonderfully blissful music. Surprised how long I slept on this one, I've had the chance to play many times but now I finally have, I don't regret it. (9/10)