You truly feel like your on a journey. (9/10)

This game is the most "Fine" game of all time. The only reason people played it I feel is cuz at the time there were so little VR games people were grasping for straws when it came to vr gaming. At least that was the case for me 😅. Anyways it's kinda fun with a friend in co-op but otherwise... Meh. (5/10)

Yes. I've playinumed the crew 2, why? Cuz I wanted to. I have nothing more to say. Fun race game. (8/10)

I can feel the improvement that this game over playdeads first game when it comes to gameplay and spectacle and the style feels like a dystopian novel like 1984 come to life and playable. It has even more interesting moments in its gameplay than limbo and just feels more professional. (Not just because it's 3D now). What I mean to say is that it feels that from what playdead got from limbo they were able to realize the next concept even better while once again not making it overstay it's welcome and being just the right length imo. The visual world building and overall story of the game feel more coherent this time even if I don't always get what's going on. But it most likely feels that way because Limbo was specifically abstract because you know, "The Afterlife" or whatever. But this game is actuall space, with limbo feeling very desolate but cramped and dark (which is to it's advantage btw). The big and grey (instead of black) feeling of this dystopian world speaks to me just the right way dystopian worlds do. Overall amazing game. (10/10)


This games astetic carries it lot obviously, but in my opinion that does not diminish the game at all. Even with that though there are a bunch of interesting gameplay moments and mechanics throughout and the short runtime really puts it all together. You can tell that the developers had an idea and worked to do that one idea and nothing overboard, and it really helps the game feel like a whole package even with it's short runtime. (Also makes it easier to do a Limbo to Inside gameplay session in one day, which is what I did) But anyways this games combination of dark and gloomy astetic and interesting visual world building around it make it a marvel to look at even with it's simplicity in style. You truly feel you are stuck in limbo. (9/10)

Even if the gameplay is just simple point and shoot (you don't even move on your own) this game was one of the only vr games I've played that felt triple A, especially on Psvr. I'm a big fan of big set pieces and spectacle and this game has plenty of moments like that. And the comment at the beginning isnt to discredit the gameplay because even with it's simplicity I feel that it adds enough throughout to keep it interesting and fun. Also the story is solid to, it's not gonna blow your socks off but it's a very solid action flick storyline. Overall this game was a shit ton of fun in VR and if it weren't for PSVR to PSVR2 not having backwards compatibility I might even have replayed it in the future. But because of Sony this game will probably be lost to time unless you have a Psvr 1. (8/10)

I just was to uninterested to finish this one. I don't think its as horrible as everyone says, but its not really worth finishing IMO. I got to try the mechanics and shit and nothing was engaging enough to keep me in. Im also gonna dock points for the horrendous audio mixing and the weird lack of ANY music in some scenes, not even shitily mixed in the background. (3/10)

Yeah this game isn't "good" but I souly enjoyed it because my little pony is a comfort franchise for me and so I Just enjoyed myself with it all. (Also the easiest platinum trophy I've ever gotten) (7.5/10)

This game has a low poly art style that is different from most games that have that type of style and I like that about it. I really don't know how to describe this difference but if you've played it I think you can get what I mean but I'm not sure. The gameplay is really fluid and surprisingly more difficult than I thought it would be I'm glad there's a layer of customization, in my opinion a lot of games could use more customization. it's short and concise and doesn't really overstay it's welcome. Although it's not really boundary breaking and it's nothing special in my opinion but it's a great game that I feel, if it looks interesting to you, you should definitely give it a shot. (7/10)

this is a fun little game that has extremely fluid platforming and a bunch of replay value. the art style really pops off the screen all the time and its gameplay compliments it well. although I finished the game, I do plan on coming back for all the collectibles and bonus content. (8/10)

He was the only thing there for me when the teachers blocked all games on the computers

It's a fun little puzzle game that I really enjoyed, it's got a lot of interesting mechanics and a really cool twist of gameplay near the end. The soundtrack was also beautiful. It might not sound like anything particularly unique but it's perfectly tranquill and relaxing, which is the kinda music I like in a puzzle game. The astetics add alot to the experience as you go through this city, wich is what I believe puts it up to being a good game, although it is short, and I wish that it would've utilized the gameplay twist near the end for even 30 minutes to an hour more, I still beilive that it was a solid experience. (7.5/10)

I'm sorry but even nostalgia cant save this one that much but just because of the fun I had I'll give a few more than it should. (5/10)

HOLY SHIT THE STORY IS SUCH A SNORE, this is one of the only games I fr just started skipping cutscenes and story segments. BUT! The gameplay is so god damn fun, I wanted to finish the game just so that I could play more of it. But the fact that I skipped the story really bumps it down a bit. (6.5/10)

I've actually never played this game fully from beginning to end, but I HAVE seen every cutscene probably because of youtube and shit and that's really all you need for this game. The story is engaging mostly, but its not that good. In My Opinion, just watch a YouTuber play the game, its almost always funnier and you'll probably enjoy doing that more. (3/10)