This game is basically split in two, gameplay-wise. There's an rts part, where you play as a dragon with a jetpack commanding your troops on the field, and a politics part, where you decide policy issues for the new government you're making which effect both the rts game as well as your relationships with each of the fantasy race's representatives. The rts part's just okay, it's a little janky, even. The politics part is more compelling, as the character writing's pretty good. While the representatives are basically just caricatures of political ideologies (the elf's an environmentalist, the dwarf's a capitalist, etc.), they're pretty dang funny caricatures. Accurate even, I dare say. Your officers are also pretty well developed, and I loved hearing what they had to say. I especially loved Scarlett. She's great! Also unexpectedly pretty good queer representation, how 'bout that?

I've spent like 300 hours on this game and have never left the god dang asteroid. This is Stardew Valley levels of "never finished and never will".

おじさんゲーム。Yep, it's a Dead or Alive gacha game. You roll for cute swimsuits to dress up the girls, level them up, and then press the auto battle button so you can sit back and creepily watch them play beach volleyball. It's absolutely the most transparent it's ever been. There's a girl for every oji-san taste, pretty much. One of them calls you owner-chan, another calls you owner-han, y'all know how it is. Yes, there's a photoshoot mode, and yes, you can spray the girls with water to make their skin shiny, strictly for photo shooting purposes of course. Of course there's a casino, like in the other Xtreme Volleyball games, and that's pretty fun, since y'know, it's a casino. Also, is it just me, or does the casino theme in this game kind of slap? I kinda want to listen to it on a loop outside of the game, unironically. The music in general's not bad, actually. Pretty tropical and laid back, all in English, though, with a few not-exactly-native odd lyrics and pronunciations here and there, interesting choice. Overall, pretty okay game if you wanna get your creep on, but not really much to offer outside the sex appeal. Oh yeah, and Sayuri's absolutely the hottest woman out of all of them, by far. I have no idea why she's not more popular with the fanbase. 24 too old for Japan, I guess? Ah well.

The presentation of this gacha game auto-battler is actually extremely well done. The art is detailed and the live 2D is pretty well done, if excessive at times. The waifu art isn't exactly to my taste though. Some of the proportions go way too overboard imo, and that combined with the baby-like faces that the artists like to use a lot kinda give me some creepy vibes, I don't know. That being said, the gameplay is nonexistent, you kinda just put your best characters on a team and then press the auto and fast forward buttons. There's not even really that much of an emphasis on gear builds and team composition strategy like other games in the genre. There's just grinding and many ways to use money to skip grinding. Yet another flashy slot-machine game made explicitly to attract whales with bells and whistles, who would've thought.

Imagine doing the Daigo parry. Now imagine doing it for every enemy in the game.

That's the game. It's great.

Love any game that reminds me of Pikmin. This one's pretty okay. A lot of greek philosopher and god lore, most of which I'd never even heard of, didn't really expect that. Great game for Mythology majors, if they do indeed exist. Wish there was a bit more to it, gameplay wise. I know it's ostensibly an angry mob simulator, but some of the combat feels a bit too chaotic even so. That stage one theme is a bop though, can I just say. Whatever stringed instrument that lead is sounds fantastic with the chiptune accompaniment.

Neat little Lynchian fable. Love the voice acting, especially from the titular owl. Really only like one puzzle to solve and you're done, though. Wish there was a bit more to it, though looking forward to anything else the creators make.

Orchestral soundtracks never really got much better than this, to be honest.

Okay before you play this game, you actually have to do some troublesome set-up. I managed to find this video with like barely any views explaining what you gotta do. But basically, here's how to make the game playable:
1. Find and download the latest patch, v1.005. The Steam version actually never updated to the last patch, it's still on v1.004. There's a new gamemode and some new weapons.
2. Edit the Config file in the game's folder to change the resolution. You can also disable some visual effects like motion blur (god I hate motion blur).
3. Set the mouse DPI super low in the settings. This is counter-inituitive, but it makes you move way faster and makes the controls actually feel really good and satisfying. Also gives you less carpal tunnel.

Okay, as for the game itself, it kinda rules. I'd actually rate it way higher if it had some better UX and wasn't so goddamn janky. Here's some rough thoughts:

First of all, I really dig the aesthetic. It's like this Central Asian and Arabic steampunk world with Sci-fi Lovecraftian elements where people fly this contraptions hitting each other with hammers. It's a story about honor and vengeance and warring tribes but also there's flying worms and ancient machines and it's all just so weird and unique, I absolutely love it. The music's also just so good but I really wish there were more than like ten tracks.

The main attraction is of course the gameplay. And like, goddamn, it's so weird and unique and cool, I can't help but respect it. It's all dependent on the inherent joy of moving your mouse to swing a hammer and using momentum to just utterly smash the hell out of a dude. And it definitely delivers on that end. But what I wasn't expecting was even more gameplay options beyond that. You can equip blades and become more of a controlled assassin rather than a mindless flailing abomination like you might think from a game like this. You can throw daggers and equip shields and combine weapons to alter your swing physics based on weight difference. You can even shoot guns! The developer obviously put a lot of thought into different playstyles and really wanted to test out how much depth you can squeeze out of physics-based combat. I've never really seen anything quite like it.

Ok, so for complaints. There's the troublesome set-up obviously. There's also the crazy amount of visual effects that make it kinda hard to understand what's actually happening on screen. I can't tell you the amount of times I died and was like "literally what even killed me?" Also the game in general is like weirdly difficult at times. Sometimes enemies will just fly in out of nowhere and you have like a half a second to react before you get just utterly smashed in the face with a mace. There's a few times where the game asks you to be more precise with your hits, which I feel like is really testing the player's patience with the physics-based nature of the combat, but I kinda respect it I guess. I think a lot of people will be confused by the complicated story, but personally I don't really mind if a game just straight up doesn't care if you can't follow along. I find it charming, in a weird way, idk.

But yeah, if you're willing to do the set-up, you should definitely give this game a shot, there's honestly nothing else quite like it.


Pretty spooky. Another one of these PS1 style horror games, though this one blends security-camera type footage backgrounds with the low-poly characters for an incredibly unnerving effect. The monster's rather abstract but honestly still terrifying and the ending sequence is actually pretty sick. Reminds me of the Anubis Rex boss from Pac-Man World, if anyone gets that.

A pretty standard gacha auto-battler. Presentation's nice though. The 3d anime art style is cute and polished and the character designs are actually pretty good, in my opinion.

aw look at the little guy go! (^_^)

Pretty dang decent little indie fighting game. Aesthetic is on-point, love the flat colors and smooth animation. Reminds me of Samurai Jack. Music fits well, but I kinda wish there was more than the few minimistic tracks currently offered. Mechanics are rock-solid, emphasizing spacing (footsies galore) and cancelling out of any move using a special meter in a very similar way to a SFIV FADC. Unfortunately the community's pretty small, despite the GGPO rollback, and there's very few characters and even fewer stages. Hoping they continue work on it, I'd love to see this stylish little fighter get popular in the future.