Not the biggest deckbuilder fan, but you can pull off some silly stuff

To bad my brain is rot, but when you do figure out some of the later puzzles you feel smart

Definitely a drop in quality, but was still pokemon so I had fun

I never played online much nor participated in splatfest, but the single player is really fun and salmon run is also great pve

Balls to wall greatness and the finale just pure serotonin

So much passion and basically my childhood, I wish i was better at the game, but tournaments go hog wild. And the characters its goes without saying are baller

Fun when solo and funner with friends

you already know the full game will be baller

The story hits hard and game play follows. V my beloved

Not my favorite game, but it is very solid and fun with friends

Fun and full of lovable characters

It is fun, and zooming around will your skills is great, but after perfecting it, it lost some charm

succeed or fail, your having a good time