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15 hrs ago

15 hrs ago

Snigglegros commented on Kepler22b's review of Elden Ring
Also, the opposite way, would it be "lame" to give Elden Ring a higher score because you enjoy talking with people in the community outside the game? Like "this game helped me find a place to talk to people, yay 😀".

1 day ago

Snigglegros commented on Kepler22b's review of Elden Ring
i dont understand why its "lame" for a normal person to "spite review" a game on a website where (as far as I know) no one professional cares about backloggd (at the moment anyways). I really don't think big developers are looking at this the way they might look at steam reviews, or a negative review might affect the game from showing up on algorithms so a spite review could be wayyyy more negative. They aren't looking at this website like meta critic to deign whether studios get a bonus or not (and this website doesnt affect meta critic). This is a website for individual users to talk about games with other users. And also like, "oh no, they spite rated the 13/185,197 most popular game 😱", like come on now.

1 day ago

Snigglegros reviewed The Elder Scrolls: Blades
Elder Scrolls Blades could be "fun" I think if it wasn't for the fact it has wait times to build shit and premium currency to skip these times. The loop of being sent on little missions to get loot and then use that loot to build the town seems fine enough. The missions are short and extremely simple, and there are secrets to find (sort of like a doom level), except every interractable item glows so you can find the secret levers very very easy.

This does take the loot of Elder Scrolls and turn it into piss because they "needed" to make it have descriptors like "Fire Hide Helmet" or epic/rare versions of Hide Helmets. Elder Scrolls doesn't need that shit if they EVER add that to mainline Bethesda games.... God save our souls...

Also the touchscreen controls suck. Moving in a 3D space with the virtual thumbstick AND moving camera by swiping sucks. You can tap the screen to move somewhere, but it doesnt feel like it understands what you want to do so it sucks.

Like I do think what this game's basic concept is could be dope, but its designed to be a free mobile game, so it has free mobile game bullshit.

1 day ago

Snigglegros commented on Drax's review of Zapper: One Wicked Cricket!
yeah i never knew either, i dont think I even knew there were bonus levels or any sort of unlockables until this playthrough.

1 day ago

Snigglegros finished The Elder Scrolls: Blades
Elder Scrolls Blades could be "fun" I think if it wasn't for the fact it has wait times to build shit and premium currency to skip these times. The loop of being sent on little missions to get loot and then use that loot to build the town seems fine enough. The missions are short and extremely simple, and there are secrets to find (sort of like a doom level), except every interractable item glows so you can find the secret levers very very easy.

This does take the loot of Elder Scrolls and turn it into piss because they "needed" to make it have descriptors like "Fire Hide Helmet" or epic/rare versions of Hide Helmets. Elder Scrolls doesn't need that shit if they EVER add that to mainline Bethesda games.... God save our souls...

Also the touchscreen controls suck. Moving in a 3D space with the virtual thumbstick AND moving camera by swiping sucks. You can tap the screen to move somewhere, but it doesnt feel like it understands what you want to do so it sucks.

Like I do think what this game's basic concept is could be dope, but its designed to be a free mobile game, so it has free mobile game bullshit.

1 day ago

Snigglegros finished Silly Bandz
It had everything I wanted (Silly Bandz)

1 day ago

1 day ago

Snigglegros finished Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles
I think this game has immaculate super vibes, the art style is dope, the music really Fucking works with the visuals, and the designs are awesome. The dialogue also fucking rules I think. When that like "twisted" fantasy shit pops off good, it is a sure fire fucking home run man. I kind of miss the mystical twisted fantasy that we abundant in the 2000's (at least I cant remember any newer shit with this aesthetic).

However I got lost and the game doesn't feel good so sadly its over.

1 day ago

1 day ago

2 days ago

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