3 reviews liked by Venez

Storyteller is a game I've had on my radar for a while, and when I saw it was avaliable for download on mobile, it didn't take long til I got 100%.
It's a well-executed inovative idea in the puzzle-game genre. Putting together a story, based on a given title, is so much more fun and enticing than it seemed to me on paper, and I enjoyed my time with this game very much. I loved the different characters and scenarios, with all their well drawn emotions and smooth animations. I'm impressed by how the story comes to life as you plot in the panels, the fact that the characters react differently to the same situation, how the endgame content show everything that the game has to offer and how it makes you think in new and interesting ways.
All in all, a good experience.

One thing I would have to complain about is how tedious it is to shuffle through all the chapters when doing endgame content. You have to go into each story, flip through, check if it works, and if not, flip over to another chapter and go through their pages.
The only actually frustrating part about this game.

After completing the “challenge” I was satisfied with the game and decided to write this review. I think this game is close to being a masterpiece of a puzzle game, but it does not excel in any other category, and that is fine.

I am amazed at how much the developers managed to do with such a simple mechanic, creating a whole game, with over 20 hours of gameplay, based on drawing a line from a circle to complete a puzzle (they probably went into rehab after making this). Going around the island I was always looking for more, seeing new twists to the puzzles, finding clever solutions thought up by the devs, not only using the tablets and the symbols, but also using the environment in so many different ways had me in awe. Truly a unique and refreshing experience.

Even though I did love the game I have to address it’s flaws. If you are expecting a story or a well written narrative, then you have come to the wrong place. The question of “why am I here and what is my purpose” always loomed in the back of my head. As I was traveling around I got some hints to a story, small bits and pieces, but nothing that really made me want to engage with it, so I never did. And after looking up the narrative online, I don’t think you should either, it’s not worth it.

One of the puzzles was a bit too abstract for me, and that is the shipwreck door, it has to be the hardest puzzle in the entire game(that I found at least), but luckily for me I was told this door was stupidly difficult before I even found it. After half an hour of jotting down sequences and trying to make sense of the sounds and the door, I gave up and looked up the solution online, and I still didn’t get it. After more research I found out the logic and I do respect the difficulty of the puzzle, but I can’t say it’s well crafted.

I do develop games myself so I can see why it wasn’t included in such a big 3D world, but a colorblind mode would have been great. Some of the environmental puzzles were actually impossible for me and the bunker and the epilepsy puzzles in the mountain were pretty difficult to get a read on.

To end it I have two personal tips to make the game a better experience. First of all is the addition of different people. I think having friends/family look at the puzzles and creating a dialogue around them makes for a fun and social experience of the game. I had people around for 50% of the game and I think that boosted my experience by a lot. Second is the use of your phone, especially with the sound sections. I filmed and slowed down the sounds of the birds to get a better understanding of the sequence and I think that was a must for actually enjoying the area.

This is a game consisting entirely of 'kinda' and 'sort of'. The concept is neat, but not super well expanded on. The graphics are good, but not gorgeous. The score is nice, but not soaring. The story is coherent and well structured, but not super compelling. The characters are decent, but not very deep. I DO really like the way the enemies crack open as their health go down, it's both a cool way to know how close to dying they are, as well as a nice thematic extension of the importance of souls by making the body seem like nothing more than a shell.

That's kinda the only great thing here though, otherwise there's nothing here I'd classify as truly excellent. And that being the case, a lot of small things started to annoy me. Why is there no ingame map screen? Why does noone in this game know what kind of tone any given situation demands? Why is the progression so bland, with a collection of items that was new and interesting in 1986? None of these things are very bad on their own, and had they been put in a better game I wouldn't have cared. But seeing as how the game doesn't really have anything amazing to distract the player, the small annoyances become clearer and clearer until you're constantly frustrated at things that are usually inconsequential.

This game is fine, it's alright, it's whatever. It's a well polished game with a lot of good aspects that unfortunately aren't enough to set it apart from older, better games. I wish I'd enjoyed it more, but that's the way it is.