alright this game is a vastly step up from the previous game legitimately
I say this as some one who didn't like the last game and doesn't care for disney starwars in general due to how they've just completely ruined it but here now this game is good
the lightsaber multitool the movement the fights it feels like something that came out of 2003 some of the writing falls flat but a lot of it actually works
it had a twist I genuinely didn't see coming after a twist that I saw that was extremely blatant
it obviously ends with another cliffhanger and it's insanely clear they want to make a 3rd game
I'm not mentioning the performance as i expected this and it's always gonna be subjective how these games run at launch I've seen videos where it's borderline unplayable and i get it i do
it's annoying and shouldn't be done but it didn't happen to me ideally i wished it was stable as this game is pretty fucking good

fuck tartarus but goddamn the story was good I played this modded with some light qol shit but it's good I love the story more than 5 and 4 but those are still good
aigis is actually best girl holy shit

this game kinda sucked i could get into it but nah

this was camp as shit it's so dumb it's fucking great

this game is very hard for me to formulate an opinion on I love the original to death and I think this game is unneeded I don't think the original is that old that it requires a remake however yes I do like the "seamless" transitions however they bring a lot of dead space 2 vent hallway loading areas to mind
I think the weapon changes were uneeded the contact beam did not need a new primary fire and the line gun mines didn't need to be lasers other than some writing changes regarding some side characters in the original the story hasn't changed to such a degree it's unrecognizable
but I don't really see an advantage of playing this over the original unless you really wanna hear gunner wright be the best voice actor in the game.
there's a lot more I could go into really such as the removal of the turret section (seriously it wasn't that hard or bad people just suck at aiming) kinesis being sidelines even further the dead space 2 zero g controls. but it's mostly intact from dead space 2008 so I really can't complain. I'm just hoping that it ends here nobody from the original games are working at this studio as EA owns the IP I don't want a dead space 2 remake please do not make one. Remake extraction if you want to go ahead all the assets are here make it a game like this and I don't think the people at EA know how to make dead space 4 I wouldn't trust them with it.

professional run i love this game and you do need some mods for ultrawide but I still love this game

fuck this game how did this get a fucking sequel


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Ich war nicht bereit, es gab nur Leiden vor mir
play this game go in blind just play it you won't be disappointed
this is the best game i've played this year next to needy girl overdose

3rd person mode was a neat addition and honestly really cool but shadows of rose were unneeded and I believe they could have done something better I'll probably play re 8 again in first person but if I ever get the urge to switch I appreciate the option

amazing what you can do with atmosphere some really good sound fx and old text to speech software this is worth a purchase and the best horror game I've played this month so far

Every step we take
Echoes in our wake
Winding 'round our fate
To forge ahead


good i like it but it needs combat this game isn't what a lot of people wanted it to be and if I'm being honest I don't think anything coulda prepared them for what it actually is it's not terrible but parts are frustrating and that ending will piss most people off
artstyle / visuals goty though