One of the few games i consider to be art the combat isn't the greatest and some of those puzzles did get me but the soundtrack atmosphere and narrative are so striking that even 20 years later they still resonate

Have played through this game about 6 or 7 times very good action horror that takes what was great about re puts in an fps

Another one of the games i consider art i consider it better than automata just because of the character interactions and the new content added is one of the best things ive ever experienced

Very good still holds up the pc release really needs that turbo mode as the game is way too slow with out it if you ever wanna play ff7 definitely this over the remake

This game has some of the best writing I've ever heard in a game and that final conversation it hits hard

Nothing special game is subpar and the writing isn't that great it started the era of sad dad story telling

Even worse than the original game truly a travesty of a game I'm apalled on how this will get a sequel

Played this on gz doom good shit i dunno how it would play with no vertical mouse aiming and i dont wanna try it without it


Its blood 3 mixed with quake insane atmosphere and such a great soundtrack

Dont play this this is sucha bastertized version of the original the battle system is fine until you break it in half and honestly the liberties taken with the plot are too extreme if it were a straight remake my opinion would be different however it is not it's ff7-2 and should be referred to as such


I fucked up my hand playing this for about 10 hours really solid great voice acting steller ost

I wont stop playing till we get rollback or master jin

Falls apart on repeat playthroughs might play it again with mods on pc