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1 day ago

Easy_Andy reviewed Mighty Jill Off
Really nice, funny, sweet little platform game and also filled to the brim with sexual innuendo in a way that just adds to this narrative with exploring lesbian relationships and BDSM themes and so forth, but all of it is very strictly consensual. Esc is the safe word and you can quit this at any time, you know. Also is just yeah, one of those platform games that's like probably about 10-15 minutes at best. It seems imposing at first but then it just breezes by. Simple, intuitive gameplay mechanics that weaves itself into a narrative and gives you something to think about.

Games like this just get a bit too close to my heart to articulate, to be honest.

1 day ago

Easy_Andy finished Mighty Jill Off
Really nice, funny, sweet little platform game and also filled to the brim with sexual innuendo in a way that just adds to this narrative with exploring lesbian relationships and BDSM themes and so forth, but all of it is very strictly consensual. Esc is the safe word and you can quit this at any time, you know. Also is just yeah, one of those platform games that's like probably about 10-15 minutes at best. It seems imposing at first but then it just breezes by. Simple, intuitive gameplay mechanics that weaves itself into a narrative and gives you something to think about.

Games like this just get a bit too close to my heart to articulate, to be honest.

1 day ago

Easy_Andy finished Fallen Aces
I mean I basically was just powering through the first episode at this point. But yeah, this game is really good and honestly I love how this does have that whole immersive sim thing going for it where you can easily break it and it does seem to consist of a combination of stealth game and brawler game elements. Most obvious inspirations are Condemned and Thief: The Dark Project (they explicitly reference the latter at one point) but also combining it with an adult comic book style which I think takes a lot from Alan Moore comics like Watchmen. Speaking of which, is this game a gritty noir story or a superhero adventure? Perhaps both, maybe.

Also I mean the immersive sim elements of this game. It reminds me a lot of those sorts of movies where the hero is able to perform all these wicked stunts just out of virtue that the bad guys are just so grotesquely stupid. I loved one point in this game where I was camping near a rooftop and just kicking anyone who came by me off the rooftop. You can also kill someone in this by throwing pulverising soap at them, kicking them into fuse boxes and so on and so forth. It really does refine both the stealth game elements and the brawler elements so either or can work. Doesn't seem to punish you if you just go around killing people for the sake of it (even civilians!) which is a bit strange, I think. I've accidentally killed a bunch of people in this a whole bunch of times, and then you realise that it's fun to blow up like five guys by throwing a gas cylinder at them and so forth.

Just loved this though. (Shelved because I've only completed the first and only available episode as time of writing; 21st June 2024!)

1 day ago

Nancyfly followed SiammeDarc

2 days ago

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