its really satisfying to learn the movement and geography but it gets really annoying and punishing in the endgame zones. definitely deserves its reputation even if its aged pretty hard.

Hades for guys that jack off to Belle Delphine.

i admire its focus even if it hasn't aged as well as a lot of its peers

innovative and interesting take on the capabilities of the medium
i wish it had a little more buildup and it crashes if you have wifi on for some reason, but for a microbudget experimental meditation thats understandable.

reading the reviews for this is insane what game did people play? i feel like if all you have to talk about is the "depiction of metal illness" or the gameplay you didn't get it.
extremely focused and smart exploration of abuse, it uses psychosis as its main thread but explores the way it intersects with religion, family, and prejudice in a really great way.

the original is basically perfect so there’s not really much point in remaking this. unless you consider that one of the main intentions behind the remake, beyond just removing tank controls in the old ones, it to make the tone and characters more consistent. the original may be perfect in a vacuum but as an re story it has almost nothing to do with the rest of the series, so from a story perspective the need for a revisit was obvious.

not as good as the original at all, but its good, and convinced me that the devs can definitely handle the more squirrely sequels.

i like what they are doing but its so short that is still feels like a dlc for 2 remake

Well, I live with snakes and lizards
And other things that go bump in the night

they basically perfected tank control survival horror with the 2002 remake. it falls of a little once the zoo animals start showing up but the spencer mansion is obviously one of the best designed levels ever made. the stuff with the trevor family specifically is the best gothic horror in the franchise.

the hd version had some inconsistency with the resolutions and there were a couple things that felt weird (like jills jiggle physics) but generally perfect aesthetically.

it’s well made and saved the series and all that but feels slight in comparison the remakes and village. i only really got about 3 hours or so of classic puzzle box design out of 7 hours total

"oh thats where that game got that idea"
i got the leave ending which honestly unnerved me more than a lot of the game

i loved the atmospheric, understated character driven moments and i loved the horrific dreamscape chapters. unfortunately, in between the high points are a bunch of cartoon mobsters telling me i have to take out tommy “da mooch” gabagool and eat all his money or something which bored me to tears

on the narrative front Alan Wake 2 takes all the ambitions of the first that weren't quite realized surpasses them. that said, in the case of gameplay, while they pace the escalation much better and the inventory adds much needed depth, the moment to moment combat loops just don't work as well as the originals near perfect system.
i like the the investigation mechanics even if they are pretty linear, i hope remedy do more with them in the future.

it says is a "one handed game" wink wink, but the gameplay is too intense and the main enemy sprites are too crude for it to be practical to do anything with your free hand if you understand what im saying. it is pretty fun tho tbh

its i mean you can tell its bland and incompetent clone of call of duty, but that you might not know it that it stars four identical beaded epic bacon black rifle coffee compony dudes, one of which voices his vehement distaste for hip hop music in the second spoken line after the prerendered opening.