Source engine's best game coop is amazing and the single player is really good as well

First pc game ive ever played, I genuinely will never get tired of this game as long as someone else plays it with me

Though the updates do get tedious with certain changes (netherite upgrade)

Second PC game ive ever played I played in 2014 as a kid knowing nothing and i had a blast playing all 3 routes with minimal guidance

I played on ps4 originally, but i replayed on pc not too long ago, a very fun game with a nice skill to difficulty ratio

cant wait for silksong but no rush cause i want it to be better than hollow knight

It's peak and i loved this game when it came out, loved it every time i replayed it too

Very good, was very long like botw, sub areas were fun, dungeons were fun, didnt do all side quests and koroks tho