Don't play DQII

DQI on its own is probably 4 stars, DQII is a 1

This would be 5 stars except for a couple of things

Visual glitches, frame rate drops and having to redo the final boss to get the new content. Also the game can look a little ugly in a few places. All problems that could be fixed in a sequel.

Weakest of the 3. The cast is more bad than good, the good ones are REALLY good though, but its not enough. A lot of the trials feel like they have filler and talking in circles. The ending is definitely the weakest of the 3 games and goes on for too long. I can't imagine going back to this one, with it lacking mechanics like consent.

It's a game made for showing off the PS5. I don't really have any complaints, it's just a cute little game. It's hard to say anything more than that, honestly.

I played this for 5 hours, and I can't bring myself to keep going. It has nothing going on for gameplay, and everything feels cheap and undercooked. What a fucking waste of Shirow Miwa's art.

You can bone Shinjiro

That means it's good