Oh my god. This game. This game. This is the game. I can't describe how much this game means to me. It's cliche, but this game is why I want to design video games.

This game was fun. I had a blast with my doohickeys and thingamabobs... but this game was lacking... something. I don't know what. But for me, it was not as good as BOTW.

Did nearly everything in the game but the final boss, and truly felt like it was a game worth my time. There's not much to say about it that hasn't been said, but playing this game sparked something in me that I still feel today: The less I know, the better.

A formative experience to my younger years, Portal is basically perfect. Its puzzles are well executed, and it's perfectly executed tone makes for an eerie atmosphere that

Genuinely the best game I've ever played.