61 reviews liked by Vlad

Forces you to create a 2k account to play online, even if you don't plan on doing so. Then forces you to link the 2k account to your console account. This adds so much impediment to gaming when you should be able to download/insert disc and start playing.

The game itself has bad controls. The shot meter goes too fast to ever get a Perfect shot by anything other than luck. The same control is for both player movement and shot aiming so good luck if you want to aim in the opposite direction. Finding out when the control switch over is frustrating, having your player double back early or send a shot straight for your opponent to finish.

Sonunda Top Spin geri dönüyor diye çok heyecanlıydım ya. Piyasada doğru düzgün bir tenis oyun görebiliriz belki diye ama, son dönemde NBA 2K'in yanlış yaptığı her şeyi alıp koymuşlar sanki doğruymuş gibi...

Grafiklerin biraz cilalanmış olması ve oynanışın biraz daha ağır olması dışında Top Spin 4'ten neredeyse hiç farkı yok oyunun. 2011'de çıkmış bir oyundan bahsediyorum. MyCareer modu neredeyse aynı ama bu sefer ilerleme çok daha yavaş, oyun modları desen çok az, profesyonel oyuncu kadrosu 25 kişiden ibaret, online matchmakingi rezalet, arkadaşlarla oynama gibi bir seçenek hala yoktu ben bunları yazarken...

İşin kötüsü özünde gayet sağlam oyun, oynaması zevkli. O yüzden 1.5/2 yıldız vermedim, 2.5 yeterli gördüm. Ama tenis de tenis diye ölüp bitmiyorsanız ve Top Spin 4/Virtua Tennis 4'ü oynayabiliyorsanız önermem. İlla alacağım derseniz şöyle sağlam bir indirimi beklemenizi tavsiye ederim.

İşin daha da kötüsü adamlar 2026'da sunucuları kapatıp gideceklerini şimdiden söylediler yahu. Sunucular çevrimdışıyken sadece tekli ya da çiftli maç atabildiğiniz exhibition modunu oynayabiliyorsunuz. Oyunu 2 yıllığına kiralamak için 70 dolar istiyorlar lan... Eğer spor oyunları böyle devam edecekse, benden bu kadar valla. Virtua Tennis 4'e, NBA 2K11'e, NBA Live 2005'e falan dönerim mutlu ve huzurlu bir şekilde hayatıma devam ederim.

Making people register for a 2K account simply to play a game they have paid for is absolutely disgraceful and it will make me reconsider buying any of their games ever again.

With that said, this is a good sim of the game of tennis with almost no additional interest or compelling reasons to play. As such I played for a week or so on and off and the minute I got bored, I simply stopped. I tend to stick with sports games longer but there really isn’t enough here to draw you in.

Graphically it’s fairly underwhelming with poor player likenesses and 360/PS3 era animations for anything not immediately on the court. When you win a trophy, no matter whether it’s a grand slam or a challenger tour the award animation is exactly the same. You get the sense they had a deadline for release prior to the big summer tournaments and just pushed it out the door no matter what. The actual gameplay motion and animation is perfectly good with a distinct sense of tension and speed when you meet the better opponents.

It has a nice balance in the play which requires you to prioritise killing the point at the right moment but against some of the lesser opponents you don’t have to do much at all to win every game. A piece of advice, put the AI difficulty on to Hard as the standard setting is far too easy.

The training mini games are very serious and not at all a challenge until you reach the highest level. Things like this are usually what sets tennis games apart and they just haven’t put a lot of effort into it at all.

If you want a clean cut tennis sim then you will enjoy Top Spin 2K25, if you want to have fun I would recommend you dig out a copy of Virtua Tennis 3 (2007) or Mario Tennis Aces (2018).

Величайшая игровая экранизация Потерянной Комнаты и SCP.

Лучший симулятор курьера.

Полная рецензия: Игра, которая оправдала все мои ожидания и даже больше.

Именно такой геймплей, именно такую историю я и ждал. Мне уже давно надоели обычные шутеры и бесконечные экшен перепалки, что уж говорить про онлайн игры, которые я теперь просто ненавижу, но этот опыт был тем что надо. В прошлом году это RDR2 с его размеренным и монотонным геймплеем, теперь еще более интересная концепция, которую я нигде не видел и назвать это просто симулятором курьера язык не повернется, потому что финальный босс на сложном рвет жопу на уровне с боссами из Солс серии (не самыми жесткими конечно). Но главное здесь - это сюжет, паззл который складывается в последние 7 часов игры заставит прослезиться даже самого черствого человека. История персонажа Мадса Миккельсена наверно самое трагичное, что было в играх за последние несколько лет.

В списке моих любимых игр пополнение.

Сколько же инноваций подарила эта часть для жанра и всей индустрии и как же обидно, что ее не успели доделать - был бы еще один шедевр во франшизе.

This is pretty much everything I look for in a game, and then some. It's bright and colorful. It's got a giant pile of incredibly wacky guns, like an acid sprinkler and bowling ball launcher. It's unique, with its own voice. Its core mechanics are polished to a shine. It's bombastic and surprising. It's funny. Like, really really funny.

Unfortunately it's the kind of comedy that occasionally veers into being completely annoying, but generally you only have to tolerate these detours for a moment before the genuine guffaws start again. Parts of it are very much "of a time," but that doesn't bother me. I've done a bit of comedy writing, enough to recognize that this sheer volume of jokes only happens with lots of work and iteration. Video games are the hardest medium to be funny in; every element both technical and artistic has to be tuned just right. My hat is off to the whole team, here; the animations, sound design and snappy load times all bolster the writing in what I found to be a truly jaw-dropping display of artistic prowess.

The biggest flaw is one that a lot of games fall prey to: absurdly aggressive hinting. There was one quest where I had to get into a factory. "The front door is blocked; see if you can find another way in." Literally 3 seconds later: "Try looking around the yard for something that you could use to get in the factory!" Literally 2 seconds later: "Use the crane to smash the wall of the factory!" Literally 4 seconds later: "What's taking so long? Use the crane to smash the wall!" Like at this point I'm still getting my bearings trying to figure out what building they're talking about. It's an incredibly common problem and for a game of its era it's not surprising to see, but it is one that I've always been baffled by.

The repetitive voice lines during missions only got super bad during a couple moments. The final boss fight in particular I had to disable dialog for because it was purposely written to be grating, and the fight was challenging enough that I had to retry it a few times and hear those same grating lines over and over. Again, forgivable, but annoying nonetheless.

The voice acting is top notch; I played with the female protagonist and voice actor Stephanie Lemelin brought an incredible energy and bravado to the character. She simultaneously sounded like she was born of this weird world while also being the most relatable part of it, a tricky needle to thread that had me cheering for even her most eye-rolling quips and one-liners. Her voice felt like mine.

The traversal is fantastic. I think this is the only open world game I've ever played where I basically never used fast travel because just getting from point A to B is so much goddamn fun. Bouncing, wall-running and grinding my way across this city never got old. The stunt scoring system that enhances your damage output ties it all together in a multiplicative way.

In a lot of games it feels like they give you the fun parts to get through the challenging parts. In Sunset Overdrive, they give you fun parts to have more fun with the other fun parts. There's still plenty of challenge, especially in the boss fights and base defense segments, but even when I'm dying it's usually because I'm so overwhelmed with weird guns to shoot, barrels to explode, and cars to bounce off of. If Assassins Creed is like a gumball machine, doling out one piece of candy at a time at a steady consistent pace, and Dark Souls is like crawling through a bombed-out munitions factory looking for the last grimy jawbreaker, Sunset Overdrive is like diving head-first, mouth open into the candy vault, Scrooge McDuck style.

hello my aname is bAtman i want u to attack these 2910 scarecrow goons ok now i want u tow fighte the 329 goons and thenhit 320 machines and then fight 3201 mreo goons and then Batman

flash go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

This game lasted longer than the Arrowverse and the DC Extended Universe.

Let that sink in.